Thursday, May 15, 2008

I am not usually a big fan of Chris Matthews and Hardball. But he did himself proud today.

This Kevin James guy is one of the worst examples of a George Bush apologist I have ever seen. Just listen to his whiny little voice.

What a pathetic little bitch.


  1. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Whiny little voice, yes
    Bitch? No baby, he's one of yours...
    Don't go insulting us bitches...

  2. Well Jean in my defense I was really speaking more of the th "prison bitch" definition rather then the female one.

    But I accept my chastisement. I am sure that Mr. Whiny-ass is not half the man that most of my female visitors are.

  3. Anonymous11:11 PM

    "I am sure that Mr. Whiny-ass is not half the man that most of my female visitors are."

    Now that's a comment that can be taken a couple of ways...

    I guess I'll take it the good way.

  4. I personally think he lacks "testicular fortitude"

    ( isn' that what Governor Easley said about Hillary ? )....

    and yes, indeedy you stand correct- MrWhineyAss is indeed NOT half the man of your lady visitors...

    ( and we even know WHO Neville Chamberlien is...lordy)

    thanks for posting - absolutely priceless...6-6 and I laughed ourselves silly over this....

  5. I'd like to play the whiskey shot game for every time the idiot said appeasement. He reminded me of a kid in school who when the teacher asks him to define a word without using the word, can't, because he has no idea what the word means. Kinda like Bush talking to American Indians about "sovereignty". Remember that?

    Also, I am appalled at what KRLA (the radio station that idiot Kevin is president of) has obviously become. When I moved to Hollywood in 1970, it was a cool, hip ROCK station, the best station I could listen to during my bumper-to-bumper commute in my corvair. yes, Nader, I had a corvair that left oil all over L.A. Anyway, just the mention of KRLA brings back memories of "Instant Karma" and "Spirit in the Sky", two hits they played to death during my hour (if I was lucky) commute, but better than listening to even 9-minutes of Kevin making an idiot of himself on national TV. Why on earth would he send himself as the most qualified KRLA person to go talk about appeasement? Says to me no one else there even knew how to pronounce the word. Funny, but sad.

  6. Holy crap d.j.! If you took a shot everytime that little piss ant said "appeasement" you would have been rendered completely unconscious.

    I thought it was very obvious that he had grabbed his Republican talking points and scanned them on the way to talk to Matthews and just assumed that the MSM would cower before the poser of the conservatives like usual.

    The tape of that conversation is going to come up over and over throughout this campaign season and probably many more times in the future as well.


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