Friday, May 23, 2008

Do you remember where you were when Hillary Clinton's campaign self destructed?

Below is Keith Olbermann's Special Comment on the unbelievable Hillary gaffe.

As usual Keith said it better then I ever could.

My only addition is to point out that this is going to go down in history as Hillary's "Maccaca moment". She will never recover from this.


  1. My oh my Gryphen - I did not know this was the THIRD time she had referenced Robert Kennedy in the last few months.

    Wow. I'm done with trying to respect her.

  2. Well then Jackie, you have certainly earned MY respect.

  3. i was done with her back in So Carolina -- and she is my senator! then i started finding some iotas of respect for her

    gone gone gone FOREVER -- this may finally end the campaign and perhaps she can fade into the dustbin of history


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It just goes directly to their thighs.