Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I am an avid Obama supporter but this would drive me crazy.

I am not a big fan of birds that talk.


  1. These African Grays are so smart, I'm surprised he didn't give a whole Obama speech. I like the head bobbing emphasis he gave to YES WE CAN!

  2. ahhhhh funny..( well not for the person that lives with him...)

    A friend of mine inherited one of these....( George was 84 when he inherited him)...his wife Lois took care of the bird...and the bird was always flinging insults her way ...." She's a terrible cook- look out"...and then he would do a whistle and a bomb explosion noise right on cue after that. ( george swore he did not teach him a thing).....I think DK is right they are smart and have a sense of humor...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.