Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In a list of which countries are the most peaceful the United States is ranked 97th out of 140. Thanks again George Bush!

Iceland is the world's most peaceful nation while the United States is ranked among the bottom third, according to a study released on Tuesday.

The "Global Peace Index," compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit, ranked the United States 97th out of 140 countries according to how peaceful they were domestically and how they interacted with the outside world.

This is the problem with the perceptions that Americans still have of this country.

No matter what horrible activities our leaders engage in we still tell ourselves that we are better then everybody else. And if anybody has the temerity to point out that this opinion is faulty they are labeled unpatriotic. (Reverend Wright anyone?)

Well the true measure of patriotism in my opinion is a realistic assessment of who we are as a country. And if we find ourselves falling short of our ideals then we have an obligation to do some serious house cleaning.

That time is now. The Republicans have made us look like fools and criminals in the eyes of the world and it is time to wrest control of our country out of their hands and to find a leader who will give us back our dignity.

And yes that is why I am a supporter of Barack Obama. I truly believe he is the one that can give us back the America that we all want to believe we live in.

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