Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Obama wins North Carolina!

He is currently well ahead with almost 29% of the vote.

Indiana is still too close to call.

P.S. Obama's lead has now dropped to a still impressive 14%.

But the BIG news is that Hillary's lead in Indiana is a paltry 4%.

P.S.S. Hillary FINALLY takes Indiana. But she only won by 2% and that may give her one more delegate then Obama. Big damn deal. I think Obama came away with 13 more delegates then her in North Carolina.


  1. Great news so far...fingers crossed that he gets closer in Indiana!

  2. Not to pick at you Gryphen - but it is N Carolina.

    Go Obama!!

  3. LOL, I didn't even catch that!

    He's having an excellent night - the gap in Indiana is so narrow now, and Gary hasn't even come in yet.

  4. Oops! That is what I get for typing quickly and posting without proofreading.

    I will change it posthaste.

  5. Yea!! Her lead is down to 2%, kind of like tasteless milk.

    What's up with Lake County, Gryphen??

  6. I believe the numbers are still rolling in.

    Can you believe how much this thing tightened up?

  7. If you discount the crossover Republican voters in Indiana who voted for Clinton out of spite - due to Rush Limp-paw's "Operation Chaos" - then Obama would have won. I know we worked our butts off in Allen County, IN where Obama beat Clinton by over 9,000 votes.

  8. Thanks for working so hard Robert!!!!


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