Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Polls show Obama overtaking Hillary in every single demographic.

Gallup Poll Daily tracking has documented a surge in Democratic voters' support for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton in recent days, swelling from a four percentage-point lead for Obama during the first part of May to a record 16-point lead for him in polling from May 16-18.

Obama and Hillary are tied among whites with each getting 49%.

But Obama now leads Hillary among women voters with 49% to her 46%. (This was her most dependable demographic.)

He also finally leads among those who have a high school degree or less with 47% over her 46%. (This was her second most dependable demographic.)

And Obama is now even ahead with the Hispanics who the Clinton's tried desperately to turn against him by fanning the flames of minority competition between them and the African Americans. But now Obama leads with 51% to her 44%.

So that about does it. We will see much more of this in the near future and by the time of the general election McCain will find himself facing an excited determined Obama voting bloc that will overwhelm his campaign and give Obama a decisive victory in the fall.

1 comment:

Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.