Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ted Kennedy diagnosed with brain cancer.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor Tuesday in what could be the grim final chapter in a life marked by exhilarating triumph and shattering tragedy. Some experts gave the liberal lion less than a year to live.

Doctors discovered the tumor after the 76-year-old senator and sole surviving son of America's most storied political family suffered a seizure over the weekend. The diagnosis cast a pall over Capitol Hill, where the Massachusetts Democrat has served since 1962, and came as a shock to a family all too accustomed to sudden, calamitous news.

You cannot really call yourself a liberal without having the softest of soft spots for the Kennedy family.

I will admit that Ted is not my favorite Kennedy by any measure but he is probably the one that has had the biggest impact on liberal policies in this country over his long and complicated career in the Senate.

My heart goes out to the Kennedy family which has suffered far more emotional pain then most families could have imagined or survived.

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