Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Republicans in a state of panic about chances in 2008 elections.

Shellshocked House Republicans got warnings from leaders past and present Tuesday: Your party’s message isn’t good enough to prevent disaster in November, and neither is the NRCC’s money.

The double shot of bad news had one veteran Republican House member worrying aloud that the party’s electoral woes — brought into sharp focus by Woody Jenkins’ loss to Don Cazayoux in Louisiana on Saturday — have the House Republican Conference splitting apart in “everybody for himself” mode.

“There is an attitude that, ‘I better watch out for myself, because nobody else is going to do it,’” the member said. “There are all these different factions out there, everyone is sniping at each other, and we have no real plan. We have a lot of people fighting to be the captain of the lifeboat instead of everybody pulling together.”

And this of course outlines my point about why the Republicans were so desperate to have Hillary to run against in 2008. With her on the ticket they felt the Republican base would rally, money would pour in, and they would be revitalized.

With Obama as the candidate they are essentially a group of nomads wandering through the political wastelands with no unifying idea or provisions to make it out alive.

Now that Hillary is out Democrats have a free reign to cement their leadership of the Senate and increase their voting block in the House.

I tried to explain this to Hillary supporters repeatedly and they could not wrap their heads around it. I hope that they are slowly coming to understand this now.


  1. oh lordy...did they wet themselve when they checked the election results and realized that People in NC and Indiana voted for Huck and Mitt and Ron Paul ( in GOOD amounts!!! ) and McShame did not do well- he scored less than a One : Fifth of Dems Vote and , One third to one half of Obama....NOT Good for the rethugs...

    ( I answered you over at Watergate....)

  2. This is why I really don't want Hillary to endorse or campaign for or help Obama in ANY way (assuming she EVER concedes). If she is around at all, she will still be a galvanizing force for negativity. She needs to fade out, stage exit right ... or we will have to get The Hook & yank her off stage!


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