Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why is Hillary now acting like the rejected lover who just cannot accept that he is just not that into her?

The Field can now confirm, based on multiple sources, something that both campaigns publicly deny: that Senator Clinton has directly told Senator Obama that she wants to be his vice presidential nominee, and that Senator Obama politely but straightforwardly and irrevocably said “no.” Obama is going to pick his own running mate based on his own criteria and vetting process.

And that is all that anybody needs to know to understand the childish and wounded behavior of Senator Clinton yesterday, grandstanding hypocritically to senior citizens in Florida, telling them they should consider themselves under sniper fire in Bosnia, er, Zimbabwe, aggrandizing herself as some kind of civil rights leader (MLK? or LBJ? She didn’t say this time) and attempting to corner 30 members of the DNC’s Rules & Bylaws Committee that will meet on May 31 to resolve the disputes over whether, and, if so, how, delegates from Michigan and Florida might be seated at the convention in August.

Well so much for Hillary bringing her people together and telling them that she deeply appreciates all they have done for her but now they need to support the Democratic nominee with the most delegates. You know like every disappointed Presidential hopeful in the past has done.

Hillary is not only going to damage Obama's chances against McCain, but she is going to sabotage any hope of another woman getting the nomination in the foreseeable future. I mean after seeing her throw this giant tantrum who is going to want to take a chance on getting a more rational female the next time?

I actually had a brief conversation at work today with two women who are still ardent Hillary supporters. One was even bragging that she was going to be on a conference call with Hillary tonight (She is a delegate) When I expressed disbelief the other lady told me that I was hanging out with the wrong crowd if I think Obama has a chance. I was, essentially, too stunned to respond. But I guess if I had responded all I could have said was....ditto.


  1. rejected that says it all..scorned earth have no mercy..

    (( and after ALL of this- she and Bill EXPECT to be asked to be VEEP....omg...they gotta be kiddin')

  2. I guess they are angling for a co-veepiency, Enigma?

    Gryphen, I'm afraid your co-workers will not believe it, neither after the DNC meeting about FL/MI, after the last primaries, nor after the convention. They will still be trying to find another way to install Hill. Think McCain wants her?

  3. i think her veep chances went out the window with her RFK comment


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