Thursday, May 22, 2008

Too late!!

Republican John McCain rejected the months-old endorsement of an influential Texas televangelist after an audio recording surfaced in which the preacher said God sent Adolf Hitler to help Jews reach the promised land.

"Obviously, I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them. I did not know of them before Reverend Hagee's endorsement, and I feel I must reject his endorsement as well," the presidential candidate said in a statement issued Thursday.

Hagee quickly responded that he was withdrawing the endorsement.
Now I do not subscribe to the notion that this John Hagee guy hurt McCain in any real way.
I mean he was just the first name that came up on the list of Christian ministers (After the recently deceased Jerry Falwell of course) that McCain went through to find a minister to endorse him and give him "Christian cred". It was a purely political decision and he did not spend as much time considering his choices as he should have. (Though he could have done worse, Pat Robertson anyone?)
But what this little snafu does is take the Reverend Wright issue right off the political campaign table. I mean how can McCain attack Obama on his choice of minister when he has his own crazed Christian minister in the closet? He can't.
So now the concern of many, and one of the reasons that people give for continuing to support Hillary, that Obama will be too smeared by the Reverend Wright incident to get elected is now moot. Moot I say!


  1. First Haggee..then hours later- he now has a huge problem with the Religous Fundies...good...excellent..

  2. I was so relieved to see what many of us believe is Obama's greatest liability circling the bowl...

    What Rev. Wright problem?!

    On an unrelated note, I am dismayed that Cindy McCain has not yet released her tax returns. Wasn't it the Republicans who DEMANDED Teresa Heinz-Kerry release hers in 2004?


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