Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin likes Barack Obama's energy plan. Is this a trick?

Governor Sarah Palin today responded to the energy plan put forward by the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, Illinois Senator Barack Obama.

“I am pleased to see Senator Obama acknowledge the huge potential Alaska’s natural gas reserves represent in terms of clean energy and sound jobs,” Governor Palin said. “The steps taken by the Alaska State Legislature this past week demonstrate that we are ready, willing and able to supply the energy our nation needs.”

In a speech given in Lansing, Michigan, Senator Obama called for the completion of the Alaska natural gas pipeline, stating, “Over the next five years, we should also lease more of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska for oil and gas production. And we should also tap more of our substantial natural gas reserves and work with the Canadian government to finally build the Alaska natural gas pipeline, delivering clean natural gas and creating good jobs in the process.”

Governor Palin also acknowledged the Senator’s proposal to offer $1,000 rebates to those struggling with the high cost of energy.

“We in Alaska feel that crunch and are taking steps to address it right here at home,” Governor Palin said. “This is a tool that must be on the table to buy us time until our long-term energy plans can be put into place. We have already enjoyed the support of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, and it is gratifying to see Senator Obama get on board.”

How am going to continue to go after Sarah Palin for her abuse of power concerning our own "troopergae scandal" if she is going to say something nice about my favorite Presidential candidate? Talk about conflicted.

Of course I happened to notice that the part she liked about Obama's energy plan, was one of the parts that I don't particularly like at all. But still she DID give a shout out to his plan and completely ignored McCain's plan. One has to imagine that if she were anywhere near the top of McCain's short list for prospective Vice Presidents that she has tumbled right the hell off of that list now.

Today at least Sarah Palin gets a thumbs up from the Immoral Minority.

1 comment:

  1. You know the scariest thing about those campaign ad ideas is that they might actually work. But only on people who are not paying close attention to both McCain and Palin.

    So that pretty much means they will work on MOST people.


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