Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Right wing saboteur tries to embarrass Barack Obama during town hall meeting.

A man who wore press credentials and took photographs from a platform interrupted Barack Obama's town-hall meeting Tuesday by shouting complaints that the Democratic presidential candidate had not called for the audience to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Obama invited the heckler to lead the audience in the pledge, and he did.

Attendees at the gathering in the gymnasium at Baldwin Wallace College in this Cleveland
suburb rose to their feet and recited the pledge. "Thank you, sir, appreciate it," Obama told the man.

The man, who carried a large, professional-style telephoto lens, was among photographers and videographers on the main press platform at one end of the gym. He wore what appeared to be the regular daily news media credential the campaign issues local news media members who cover the Illinois senator at a single events.

Campaign officials said they did not know who the man was, and no effort was made to remove him. He continued taking photographs throughout Obama's appearance.
Speaking with reporters afterward, he identified himself only as "John Q. Public" and declined to say which news organization, if any, he represented.

Asked why he had interrupted the event, the man said: "He (Obama) said it was a town-hall meeting" and open to the public. He expressed dismay that Obama hadn't called for the pledge himself, saying, "You all learned the pledge in the first grade."

It is pretty clear that this douchebag was trying to get a rise out of our man Barack and then film it and post it to YouTube to demonstrate that Obama was un-Presidential.

But Obama handled it with cool aplomb and turned it right back on the guy making him look like the punk he clearly is. You can see for yourself on the YouTube video below:

I think this "John Q. Public" was really more of a "John Q. Asshole".


  1. Only in Ohio...oye...what an idiot...

    ( on another note...NOW when Obama comes to town two local stations air his speechs LIVE- the WHOLE thing- cutting into Soaps and everything....that is big...)

  2. That's the kind of cool, unflappable demeanor I want in the White House.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Did you hear how FOX News spun this one? They said that Obama was called out for "skipping the Pledge of Allegiance". SKIPPING? Since when has the Pledge of Allegiance been standard protocol at such events. Argh....

  4. mudflats,
    the only time a good liberal should listen to FOX News is when Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart, or Stephen Colbert are making fun of them.

    And then you should only do so on an empty stomach as vomiting is a listed side effect of seeing Sean Hannity.

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I actually saw the clip of Fox's reaction on Keith Olbermann, so I guess I passed! :-)

    There's not enough Pepto Bismol in the world to dive right in.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.