Saturday, August 30, 2008

Daily Kos takes Sarah Palin Baby Story and runs with it!

What started as a snarky rumor has taken on a life of its own and is now a giant story that has gone viral all over the Internets.


  1. Anonymous7:26 PM

    You guys are all nut jobs. You need a little more proof, such as seeing her daughter fully pregnant. Or maybe a damn dna test. You really are worried now aren't you?

  2. Hey Spanky the baby has been born. Gonna be kind of hard seeing the daughter pregnant now isn't it?

    And since she had Mono for eight months there are no pictures of her during the time it would have mattered. Awfully convenient.

    It is too late to bury this sorry now anyhow, the thing is everywhere!

  3. I meant to comment on something you'd written on your profile..."I believe in questioning everything about religion, politics, media, pop culture, health care, security, and terrorism just to name a few. "

    This is what's MISSING in most folks. It's as if no one understands 'Transformative Learning'...those moments in our life that cause us to question all we "thought" we knew.

    I had one such moment during an RNC campaign rally (several years ago), to which I was personally invited. My career was almost exclusively outside the USA and I arranged my furloughs around convention and election times, as much as possible.

    However, I made the dastardly mistake of walking out of a Bush campaign rally, as I was fascinated by the passion of conviction I saw on the faces of the "protesters" as I walked inside. I stayed inside about 20 minutes...then walked out to engage the "protesters" in conversation.

    I wanted to hear what they had to say. Well...talking to them proved to be a big "No, No". I was denied reentry into the rally...even though my pass was clearly visible identifying me as an invited guest.

    Now, I'm back in the US permanently, and it's been like landing on a different planet. This was the reason I began my blog on 'wordpress'...we need to "sound the alarm"!

    Oh, I saw your age on your profile as well. I wanted to make sure you knew I was no "kid"...I'm several years older than you :)

    Keep up the great work!


  4. Anonymous7:00 AM


    I hear she's also secretly bald a wears a wig. And that Bush is her father. And that um....she doesn't even live in Alaska. In fact she's not even governor's a media trick.


  5. Well Michelle I am glad the "scales fell from your eyes". I will visit your blog since you were so kind as to visit mine.

    Hey far fetched, I understand you guys are now being paid to troll liberal sites and I certainly do not blame you for trying to make a buck, but if you want to learn the truth you have come to the right place.

  6. gryphen,

    You said "Hey far fetched, I understand you guys are now being paid to troll liberal sites and I certainly do not blame you for trying to make a buck, but if you want to learn the truth you have come to the right place.

    This is EXACTLY what I meant when I stated to you earlier that the RNC has no plan to change their position, in spite of the fact they have an opportunity to use their critical thinking skills ("Transformative learning").

    The reason I can say this so confidently is that for decades I was a staunch Republican Party supporter and as far right as one could I know the thinking behind their rhetoric.

    Most (not all) if they were hit with the truth would never recognize it...and even if they did their far right ultra conservative "values" prevent them from questioning anything that they "think they know".

    I regret having spent so many years supporting them...yet, at the same time, I can now see and understatd the thinking process on both sided. FINALLY...I'm on the correct side...yet, it took one of those "AH HA!" moments to have me take a REAL look at their stand on the issues that I am so passionate.

    Keep up the great work!



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.