Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Easily the best thing on last night's Daily Show.

When Jon Oliver referred to these crazed Hillary supporters as children that rang so true in my mind that I literally sat up in my bed and said "Bingo".

And if you look carefully at the back row, second from the left, you can see the batshit crazy "Clintons for McCain" supporter who was featured in that insane exchange with Chris Matthews that I posted yesterday.


  1. Inspiring speech here:

    People are on their feet.

  2. omg/.....very very funny...hey come over and see Kucinich at my place...

  3. I saw him jumping around yesterday on MSNBC.

    I thought for a minute that somebody stole his Lucky Charms.

    Of course we all know that it is his wife who is "magically delicious".


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.