Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hillary urges her followers to come home to the Democratic party and support Barack Obama.

I have had many mixed feelings about Hillary over the last year or so. And i ended up being very disappointed in her and Bill's selfishness. But last night Hillary did the right thing.

The right thing for her.

The right thing for the Democrats.

And the right thing for this country.


  1. People talk about the Clintons' selfishness - I don't get it. What's so selfish?

  2. For me the sense of selfishness came when she was clearly losing support and falling deeper into debt (which was an indication that her support was drying up, and still she refused to accept the reality of the situation.

    But for me the hard feelings are now a thing of the past and it is time to move forward and do the hard work that lay ahead.


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