Friday, August 29, 2008

I feel blessesd to have witnessed history being made last night.

I have watched the amazing speeches of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Bobby Kennedy, and read the text of speeched given by Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, and others. The question I always have is "did the people hearing that speech as it was being given know they were witnessing history?"

Now I know the answer.

Last night I watch history being made. I watched Barack Obama deliver possibly the greatest speech in American political history.

Obama stood in Mile High Stadium in Denver Colorado, which was packed with over 84,000 people, and gave the most inspiring speech that has been spoken since Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have dream" speech exactly 45 years ago.

It is my belief that ANYBODY who takes the time to listen to the speech will be inspired.

So do yourself and your country a favor and go to the post directly below this one and watch Barack Obama's speech. And then decide if you want to sit on the sidelines while history is being made, or if you would like to someday tell your children that you were one of the many thousands of patriotic Americans who helped wrest control of this country out of the hands of the criminals who had almost destroyed it and helped elect one of the greatest Presidents that this country has ever produced.

1 comment:

  1. Gryphen,

    If the Old Coot's veep is the Alaskan beauty queen guv, we will be expecting the 411 from you.

    I have limited background on Palin, so it's down to you to get us up to speed.


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