Wednesday, August 20, 2008

If John McCain becomes President he will reinstate the draft!

The video is on You Tube and as we all know You Tube does not lie.

So if you are a young person between 18 and 25 years old you do not want John McCain to ever be President.

If you are a parent of a male child between 18 and 25 you do not want John McCain to be President.

And if you are an intelligent sentient being, you do not want John McCain to be President.

Is that clear enough for you?


  1. Boy, that seems like an awful suspect video. I think before I JUMP to conclusions, I would want to;

    A) actually see the woman asking the question, and,

    B) actually hear ALL of John McCain's response.

    Again, everyone on all sides need to listen to the whole story in order to make an INFORMED decision.

    If you have the complete video with the above points, I would love to see it

  2. Dreamer, go to you tube, type in McCain and draft and watch it for yourself, You might get to see it if you watch the news in the near future. Of course this day and age you may not see it at all if something more frightening comes along or Britney shaves her head again.

  3. The ONLY thing that could have been mentioned by the questioner before the videos starts is if she declared it "Opposite Day" and said she wanted to hear the opposite of what John McCain really thinks.

    The only other possible reason for McCain saying that re-instituting the draft was agreeable is that he got so confused by the questions that he did not really hear THE VERY LAST THING SHE SAID! Which means his tired old brain is not functioning very well.

    So which is it? John McCain determined to bring back the draft? Or John McCain senile old fart?

  4. When I first saw this I thought that McCain didn't understand her question, or was just giving her the standard pat answer so he could move on.

    I am guessing senile old fart.

  5. Dreamer- Read his website- it is very very clear WHAT he wants- he has many paragraphs about wanting to have the largest Military EVER....

    and the whole clip ALL of it was On Countdown, and is on Youtube and yes, was played on the News.....

    and he was pretty damn rude to this VET mom- and no he did not answer her question...

    And just for your information the people that come here and the writer of this blog are VERY informed....informed enough to know that McCoot fought in a war and did not learn a damn thing - except that it makes for a good stomp speech.....he is dangerous and incompetent- I would not let him empty my kitty box, much less walk the dog- much less send my son ANYWHERE....

    Enough Lives have been lost in the ONE illegal war of the past 8 years- we don't need Another One started by an illinformed misguided old man....


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