Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ted Stevens trial will NOT be moved to Alaska. You know what that means don't you kids? Ted Stevens is going to jail!

U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan decided today that the trial will stay in the nation's capital and continue on its accelerated schedule. The judge offered to take Fridays off during the trial so that Stevens could travel to Alaska to campaign on the weekends, but Stevens lawyer Brendan Sullivan was lukewarm to the idea, especially if it meant a slower path to a verdict.

Well the good thing about this decision is that Uncle Ted will not be able to stack the jury to decide in his favor.

The bad thing is that I won't be able to be in the courtroom the minute the judge gives Stevens the guilty verdict and his head explodes in anger.

I wonder if he will wear his Incredible Hulk tie on that day?


  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    There is a God. There will be justice.

  2. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Ted Stevens is running for the Senate at the same time he is on trial for corruption. None of the republican leadership, the democratic leadership nor the media are saying anything. ding ding ding

    You have a poll about Russia and Georgia and the questions make it seem that you believe that Russia has done something wrong.

    The United States just signed a treaty with Poland where we can set up a missile defense system there. According to the Grand Chessboard theory we are surrounding Russia and we are using Georgia and other former Soviet states. Doesn't Russia have every right to act in its own defense.

    We had no right to invade Iraq so who are we to judge Russia.

    There is oil and oil pipelines at stake and certainly Russia should be able to have a zone of safety in its own region. Russia is not the aggressor here. It is only looking out for its own interests as it has every right to do.

    Furthermore it was the Jews who destroyed Russia with their Socialism and it was Jews who committed a holocaust against Russians and slaughtered more Russians then Hitler killed Jews and now Israel is arming Georgia.

    So I don't understand why you blame Russia if you are interested in the truth as you say you are on your page.

    "What is morality? Who decides? Are we in charge of our own destiny? What is right? And what is wrong? Are these questions which can be answered? You betcha!"

  3. Poor Ted.
    Poor, little Ted.
    Poor, little, sad Ted.
    Poor, little, sad & criminal, Ted.

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I predict Uncle Ted will be reelected!

    And it will be a wonderful day!!!

  5. poor teddy....and gee whiz all the witnesses..or most of them well, they happen to live in Washington state...ahhh gee....those Damn VECO people....poor teddy- this will drastically cut into his campaign schedule...

    and you know he has been telling people when he campaigns that it is NOT bad felonies...oh, that makes ALL the difference ...



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