Tuesday, August 19, 2008

John McCain claims his Vietnamese captors were homosexuals. Is gay torture worse then regular torture?

Time and time again it comes up in his stump speeches, campaign commercials and discussions on faith. And for good reason: the Arizona Senator's tale of torture and patriotism captured a nation back in 1973, when he was finally released after almost six years in Vietnamese captivity. McCain became a bit of a - dare we say it - celebrity, and even penned a first hand account of his experience for US News & Report.

In the piece, McCain explains his relationship to his captors, some of whom he claims were gay:

In other words, if you are going to make it, you get tougher as time goes by. Part of it is just a transition from our way of life to that way of life. But you get to hate them so bad that it gives you strength.

Now I don't hate them any more—not these particular guys. I hate and detest the leaders. Some guards would just come in and do their job. When they were told to beat you they would come in and do it. Some seemed to get a big bang out of it. A lot of them were homosexual, although never toward us. Some, who were pretty damned sadistic, seemed to get a big thrill out of the beatings.

Hmmm. One has to wonder why this was an important distinction for John McCain to have made. So perhaps being held captive and tortured for five years is not impressive enough to your military pals, but if you say they were also possibly butt-bandits, well damn that scares the hell out of your testosterone infused Navy buddies.

And if they did not go all gay on John McCain or his fellow prisoners then how did he know?

Did they suddenly suck in their breath when McCain took off his shirt? Did they torture him by tweezing his eyebrows? Did they play show tunes while they were administering the beatings? I mean what the hell was it?

Or could it be that John McCain, like many uber conservative assholes, used homosexuality as a measurement of a certain level of depravity. In other words being beaten, starved, and put into a sweat box is a horrible experience. But being touched by a fag is infinitely worse.

John McCain, hating fags since 1973!


  1. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Yeah notice he claims they never made any advances toward him though, were they doing each other where he could hear it or how exactly did he divine this ? To be buggered by sadistic guards is eminently plausible but we're supposed to think that it was only among themselves because what would his base think if it came out that McCain was violated by other men ? It might just make God Hate Him ! Because we all know who God Hates !!! He's an opportunistic piece of shit and I am sick of O honoring his service, fuck him and his fucking service he's been a disgrace since he got home. My father served in Infantry in WW2 and said it was another rich man's game, a racket where poor guys get blown up and rich guys get richer and/or decorated. I honored his service by staying the fuck away from the military as he hoped I would.

  2. Gryphen,

    Thanks for posting this about the old coot.

    So much about McCain's legendary background: his relationship with his military daddy, when he left his first wife, started up with Baby Doll Hensley, how he was treated by the Viet Cong, doesn't square with reality and reads like a work of carefully crafted fiction.

    Like Hillary's Bosnian sniper fire saga, McCain is inventing his personal history as to best serve his wildly ambitious, political yearnings.

  3. wow...
    never heard this...
    what an SOB...


  4. Did they suddenly suck in their breath when McCain took off his shirt? Did they torture him by tweezing his eyebrows? Did they play show tunes while they were administering the beatings? I mean what the hell was it?

    Ha! Now that was damn funny!

    I must admit, however, his "gay" tale was not quite as funny or as horrifying as his "cross in the dirt" tale...

  5. I'm with poetryman: Hilarious!!

  6. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Gryphen - I'm new here.

    Tell me, have you ever served in the armed forces?

    I don't like the negative overtones in this entry. John McCain sacrificed greatly for this country. Show some respect, will ya?

  7. Hey Kelly I have nothing but respect for the individuals who serve our country during times of war.

    But I have nothing but disdain for those who use homosexual as a dirty word and try to impress their war buddies by making up stories about something they could not possibly have known.

    Does that clear things up for you?

  8. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Kelly, as a pow he had some respect coming but as a career hack who wants to keep the bush train wreck going for another 4 yeas he deserves all the grief we can give him. i don't associate you with him that's your choice as a veteran to make the connection or not make it which is also a choice. if you want to respect him feel free but you cannot tell anyone else that they owe this Keating 5 crook any respect. He's been out of vietnam for way longer than he was there and has a record that speaks for itself. a lot of us believe his record speaks pretty poorly and we don't want him to be president. i get that you're new but if you have a pro military and/or conservative bent why would you expect to find it echoed on a blog like this one which obviously doesn't go that way ? Peace


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