Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Surprisingly there is somebody who is not an Alaskan who believes that Ted Stevens is innocent.

Most people assume, or have concluded, that Sen. Ted Stevens is guilty. After all, didn't a D.C. grand jury indict Mr. Stevens on seven felony counts? Haven't the U.S. government and its federal prosecutors concluded that Mr. Stevens failed to disclose taking more than $250,000 worth of gifts on his Senate financial-disclosure forms?

Yep. Case closed and thanks for agreeing that Uncle Ted is guilty, guilty, guilty.

Oh wait, you don't agree with that?

Okay I will save you the pain of having to read through this pathetic attempt by Mr. Davis to suggest that Stevens is innocent simply because in the past other individuals have been accused of crimes and have been found innocent.

It is a ridiculous argument and to be honest it seemed that Mr. Davis did not have his heart in really trying to defend our embattled Alaskan Senator.

I wondered what would compel somebody to put on paper a defense that they clearly did not have much faith in. And then I read this: Lanny Davis is a prominent Washington lawyer and a political analyst for Fox News.

So FOX News paid him to write something positive about Ted Stevens. I wonder if they feel they got their money's worth?


  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Maybe Fox news has something going like that McCain thing, where people who post McCain talking points on progressive blogs earn 'points' they can redeem for a free McCain coffee mug. Maybe Lanny Davis is just going for the FOX t-shirt. If he does two more, he'll get the hoodie!

  2. Update:::Judge said Nope trial stays in Seattle...wooohooo

  3. That is what amounts to our reasoning skills in this day and age.

    Why not just say "Neener neener!" and stick our tongues out and give a big raspberry and then say, "Am not!"?

    Makes for as good a defense as any.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.