Tuesday, August 05, 2008

No more pussy footing around. The Wall Street Journal claims that Bruce Ivins could NOT be the Anthrax killer!

The FBI has not officially released information on why it focused on Ivins, and whether he was about to be charged or arrested. And when the FBI does release this information, we should all remember that the case needs to be firmly based on solid information that would conclusively prove that a lone scientist could make such a sophisticated product.

From what we know so far, Bruce Ivins, although potentially a brilliant scientist, was not that man. The multiple disciplines and technologies required to make the anthrax in this case do not exist at Army's Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. Inhalation studies are conducted at the institute, but they are done using liquid preparations, not powdered products.

The FBI spent between 12 and 18 months trying "to reverse engineer" (make a replica of) the anthrax in the letters sent to Messrs. Daschle and Leahy without success, according to FBI news releases. So why should federal investigators or the news media or the American public believe that a lone scientist would be able to do so?

This is actually an opinion piece written by Richard Spertzel, but it falls in line with the other articles that the Wall Street Journal has been writing concerning the Anthrax case and the lack of credible evidence.

It is my fervent hope that the other media sources pick up on this piece and start demonstrating the kind of skepticism that this story clearly calls out for. Do not forget that this crime happened over seven years ago and in all of that time we have not found the perpetrator. Which if you think about it is insane. I mean if this is anthrax strain is really that difficult to produce then the list of people who could have created it must be only a few names long. And yet we are led to believe the FBI cannot locate that person and make the case.

None of this makes any sense without getting out your tinfoil hat and placing it firmly on your head.


  1. This whole thing is as credible as the government's story about 9/11. I'm surprised this is in the WSJ.

  2. well well...
    so now even the WSJ is not falling in line..that is something...

    yeah...they were so worried about him- they gave him clearence for years...what the....

    anyways...I hope someday Somebody unravels it- all of it...


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