Monday, August 04, 2008

Now try not to get too upset but the "God Hates Fags" Westboro Church done burned the hell up!

Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, known for its vocal condemnations of homosexuality, website and picketing of gay pride parades and funerals, has sustained thousands of dollars in damage after a fire early Saturday morning. Impromptu protest followed as firefighters carried out their response.

"None of what they do is going to stop us from delivering our message," said church counsel Shirley Phelps-Roper of any "cowards" that would have set the fire on purpose, also saying that it was the "most aggressive act" towards the Phelps family to date.

"There is evidence that hatred of our religion was the motivation, in part at least," states a "Civil Rights Hate Crime Complaint" written by pastor Fred Phelps Sr. to Attorney General Michael Mukasey. In a recently released YouTube presentation, Phelps also blames law enforcement, judges, and the "filthy, fag-riddled military" for what he considers an assault on his First Amendment rights.

Meanwhile, a neighbor is suspicious that the fire is a hoax meant to intimidate her into giving up her property. "They keep claiming that this property is theirs, and it is not theirs," said 91-year-old Leona McQueen. "They keep wanting to buy me, but I don't want to sell it. I don't know if whether they are trying to push me out."

"It's a ridiculous accusation," Phelps-Roper countered. "The fire was started by someone as we slept. Thankfully the lord our god (sic) keeps us in all our ways."

You can see the perfectly reasonable Revend Phelps make his case that he is being victimized in the YouTube video below.


  1. Anonymous7:05 PM

    So when are they going to catch Phelps in the airport bathroom with a male FBI agent?

  2. This revolting pig should be drawn and quartered in the public square. I would not piss on him if he caught on fire that is for sure...burn baby burn

  3. I hope someone sinks a bullet into Phelps' head. I've read a direct hit in the spinal cord will get the job done in less than a second.

    He's an evil son-of-a-bitch and deserves the worst of what life can offer.

  4. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Meanwhile you are all exhibiting the same hatred that Phelps does. So what is the difference between you and him?

  5. Anonymous,

    Shut the fuck up and get yourself a screen name while you're at it.

  6. LOL at Christopher.

    I don't advocate violence toward this evil little prick because I feel that his sad little life, filled with hatred and paranoia, is probably punishment enough.

    But I do take issue with the idea of "freedom of religion" when it comes to such a hate filled bottom dweller. I think we should have more "freedom from religion" in this country because this cancerous human being is spreading his poison to the minds of the children that his hate filled congregation drags to his "church". There should certainly be a law against that!

    My daughter took one look at the video above and simply said "He is a self loathing homosexual". If that is true then Phelps must spend every day confronting a person in the mirror that he hates with every fiber of his being. Could not get much worse then that.

  7. My brother thinks it would be funny to counterprotest with signs that read "God Hates Figs".

    And Christopher, thanks for proving my point. I just hadn't signed in yet. Why so full of anger?


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