Friday, August 15, 2008

Those wing nut "Left Behind" authors say Obama is not the Anti-Christ. Oh like that really helps!

If it wasn't for these Christian snake oil salesmen, there wouldn't be anybody outside of an insane asylum who would even think that Obama WAS the freaking Anti-Christ!

In other words don't set my house on fire and then offer to call 9-11.



  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    HA! I was just going to post on this. It astounds me how much coverage the whole "Obama is the Anti-Christ" thing got. Not only on the web, either. They did a whole long segment on it on some progressive religious radio program a few Sundays ago.

    Now correct me if I'm wrong, but don't these "Left Behind" people actually WANT the rapture to come? Aren't they all into creating the perfect circumstances to bring it about? If so, then if Obama was, in fact, the antichrist, wouldn't they be turning out in droves to vote FOR him so they could hurry up and get the rapture going and be on their merry way?

    I just picture some GOP operative coming up with this super clever anti-christ strategy, getting it out on the blogs, and then the Left Behind guys going, 'Noooooo!', explaining what I just did above, and then trying to stem the tide of would be Obama voting religious crazies by declaring Obama to be NOT the anti-christ.

    Oh, and your title says 'the Ant-Christ'. Maybe Obama will be king when the ants take over the world after the rapture? Let's start a rumor!

  2. Thanks I fixed it. (Why is there no spell check for the title?)

    Although I cannot definitively say that Obama is not the Christ of the ants. I am just saying.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.