Saturday, August 16, 2008

Today marks first joint appearance by McCain and Obama. Set your TIVO kids.

The political spotlight will shine on Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama Obama on Saturday night, when the two candidates will face tough questions focused on personal values, presidential leadership and international affairs.

The Rev. Rick Warren, author of the best-selling book "The Purpose-Driven Life," will spend an hour interviewing each candidate at his 20,000-member Saddleback mega-church in southern California.

On Thursday's "Situation Room," Warren said he won't play the role of a political pundit, or ask "gotcha" questions, but rather tackle four areas of interest: the role of the presidency in government, leadership, the candidates' world view and America's role internationally.

Now usually I would not be a big fan of this particular type of forum, except that I know Obama will dominate John McCain in this event.

McCain will struggle to answer the questions without doing any damage to his tenuous support from the evangelicals. But Obama, who has actually read the bible, can only improve his approval ratings with the bible thumpers. Once he stands up there and starts speaking with that Sunday morning preacher cadence of his he is going to bring those true believers over to his side in droves.


  1. I want to see McCramps get asked some questions about his FIRST marriage...yup...and maybe how he feels about people who joke about rape..and WHAT church he goes to ? actually I am hoping he loses it- you know has a giant snitfit...

    I think Obama will be fine....but I do hate these kinds of theocracy drama's....

  2. i hope you are right

    but remember, the devout right will always hate a democrat more than a republican no matter what idiot comment mccain will undoubtedly make

  3. I was incorrect by the way.

    The questions were tailored made for McCain and he easily hit them out of the ballpark. Obama's more nuanced responses were to cerebral for the crowd and pundits who covered ii on the cable news stations.

    I called it an ambush in a post further up the page and I stand by that definition.


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