Sunday, September 14, 2008

2008 Values Voters Summit where racists come to pray.

Now, I was not allowed to take pictures of the racist, hateful, misogynistic items on display in the exhibit hall because only "authorized" people were allowed to take pictures and record a public event in a public hotel. I did manage, however, to purchase one of the best selling products of this confederacy and using my cell phone, took pictures of the box. Forgive me for how blurry the pictures are. The fuzziness is the result of both my shaking hands and my cell phone's shitty camera.

The first picture below is the front of the waffle box and it is startling in its overt racism. I asked the "chef" of this ugly version of reality if he was at all concerned that this might be viewed as a white man putting a black man into a frying pan and he laughed and said "I hope so."

Wow! I almost cannot believe that ANY political organization would allow such obvious racist items and language to appear ANYWHERE near their summits of forums. But this certainly proves what is feeding the apoplectic anti-Obama sentiment in the Republican party.

You know there have been a lot of counter charges of sexism leveled at the Democrats especially as it pertains to the perceived attacks against Sarah Palin. But you show me ANYTHING that even remotely matches this garbage coming from our side and I promise I will post it at the top of the page.

By the way if you want to see just what kind of evolved "values voter" would attend a gathering such as this then just click here.

Raw Story has more on this here.


  1. Holy shit that is so unbelievable. I wonder what Bishop Harry Jackson, Ken Blackwell or Michael Steele thought of that? Well who cares, really, they must have sold their souls to be in a party that is so racist against them.

    Pam's House Blend covered this as well, yesterday, and got some good pics so if you want better ones, you couuld probably get them from Pam.

    This is mind-blowing... they cry "sexism" because we question Palin's qualifications and "values" then at a values voter function they have racist crap on display? Why do I keep being surprised? I shouldn't be by now.

  2. The waffle box is unbelievable. Why doesn't the MSM cover this stuff?

    Helen, thanks for posting this link too.

    As for the medical records - now that McCain picked Palin as the VP choice, it is more important than ever we know what kind of shape John McCain is in.


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