Sunday, September 14, 2008

Doctors call for the release of John McCain's medical records.

John McCain is running for the most important office in the country, actually to be honest, in the whole world.

He is in his early seventies, has had numerous cancer scares, and we don't know what his current state of health is less then two months before the November election. This should be of great concern to any and all voters in this country.

And while we are at it I would like to have the current medical files of ALL of the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates made public. And that includes Sarah Palin. And this marks day five of:

The Immoral Minority's demand for the release of Sarah Palin's Medical Records!!


  1. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Has Bristol been at the airport rallies? I have not seen a photo showing her. In one photo, Willow(holding Trig) is misidentified as Bristol. If not, what's up with that? Alaskans, any information?

  2. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Yes, I think we should ask for full transparency with regard to all of the candidates' medical records. I think it's the only way to get Sarah to reveal that Trig is not her baby. I mean, does anyone still really think that Sarah gave birth to Trig? She just doesn't appear concerned with her newborn in ANY way. I mean honestly, he's not a ten-year-old; he's not even a year old and she seems to have not a care for him. And neither does her husband. And does anyone see how much Trig looks like Bristol's boyfriend? I mean, take a good look at her. She's exciting and alluring and full of life. She's also incredibly self-assured and truly narcissistic. Before we become captivated and cast our votes, we deserve to know more. We deserve to see who she really is and the extent she is willing to go for power and glory.


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