Thursday, September 25, 2008

Alaskans know why the McCain/Palin campaign is REALLY suspending their campaign.

By now you have undoubtedly heard that John McCain is suspending his campaign to solve this financial crisis our country now finds itself facing. But that is clearly a huge load of moose manure.

How can a guy whose main economics advisor is Phil Gramm, who many experts blame for our current problems, and who famously stated that he did not know much about the economy going to offer anything that will help solve this crisis?

The answer? He can't. He is simply using that as an excuse to distract Americans from what he really fears.

And do you know what that is? Well take a look down at the flier right below.

Yeah you read that right. Alaskans are going to rally to hold Sarah Palin accountable for her actions. And the day after we made that announcement, the McCain /Palin campaign decides to pack up their circus tent and lay low for awhile. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Now you may think that they are overreacting but that is only because you do not know Alaskans. We are the toughest, most independent. people in all of the United States.

Do you know why Russia never decided to attack America? Because they would have had to go through Alaska, that's why! They knew that they would never even make it to the border of Canada if they tried. So instead they occasionally fly a jet over us to see if we are still paying attention and then we chase them right back to their side of the Bering Straight. This allows them to save some face and gives our Air Force somebody to chase once in a while.

So John McCain made a huge error in trying to usurp control of our state. He thought we were simple, uneducated, methamphetamine addicts, but that was because the only person he ever talked to from here was Sarah Palin. Now he is learning that he stuck his head into a Grizzly bear den and he is about to get it bitten off.

So if you are anywhere close to Anchorage on Saturday September 27, around 12:00 o'clock noon, you come on by the Park Strip and add your voice to the many Alaskans who are coming together to tell Sarah Palin, and that dude from Arizona, that this is our Alaska and we don't need anybody coming here and interfering in our state business or attempting to stop a legitimate investigation.

You can read more about this from my fellow Alaskan bloggers over at Celtic Diva, Mudflats, Shannyn Moore, Progressive Alaska, I Eat Gravel, Alaska Hockey Moms for Obama, Mamadance, and I am sure there are many others that I don't have links to.

And bring lots of signs! It doesn't even matter if they are misspelled, because NOBODY tells Alaskans how to spell!


  1. Great Post....and wonderful poster..can't wait to see how the Rally goes- we all will be watching..and will post about it as soon as you have photos etc...

    we are all rooting for you all...

    ""WE ARE ALL ALASKANS NOW !!!"".....hehe....LOL...

    tell Mooselini that ;-)

  2. ( I will be blogging on it tomorrow...for sure...and yes I have sent it off to media ...ahem....yeah...)


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