Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Bill Maher and Jeffrey Toobin discuss Sarah Palin.

Toobin is clearly protecting his job, but Bill looks genuinely skeptical about the official story. Which most of us recognize is just too ridiculous to believe. (The real action starts at 2:30 into the video.)

By the way if Jeffrey Toobin is any indication of the kind of reporters that CNN has at its disposal no wonder they get scooped by blogs, gossip magazines, and small town papers at every turn. He seems a little too thick and slow witted to do his job.


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It's just very hard to keep up with all the TV commentary. I really enjoyed this one.

    I thank you for your great blog. It is keeping me connected to all the others listed on the left as well as bringing me these great tidbits.

    PS, I have visited beautiful Alaska and it one very special place.

  2. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Did you know that USA and Europe blocked Wikileaks? What do you think about it?
    Hope for no silence


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