Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Everybody knows about Sarah's daughter in Wasilla High.

Sadly I have no first hand confirmation about his particular item, but I am going to post it in the hopes it stirs the pot a little.

One of my teacher friends comes to me today and says that one of her son's friends, who used to attend Wasilla High School, sees that Bristol Palin is on the television holding Trig Palin. He suddenly out of the blue says "Oh she had the baby." My friend asks him what he means and he says that everybody at Wasilla High School knew that Bristol was pregnant and he was just commenting on the fact that she must be holding that baby on television.

My friend said she could hardly wait to tell me that I was right all along. But the thing is I KNOW I am right that is not the damn problem. The problem is getting confirmation that the media can use.

Okay so here is my question. If EVERYBODY knows in Wasilla High, why hasn't anybody officially come forward and outed Sarah Palin on her false pregnancy?

This is an enormous scandal. If anybody has any confirmation on ANY of it, I would really appreciate hearing from them.

Do you know Bristol?
Do you know Levi?
Did you see Bristol between December 2007 and April 2008?
Do you know anybody who was working at the Mat-su Regional Medical Center on April 18th?

Palin is trotting little Trig around like a stage prop. She is using him to garner sympathy from women all over the country, and it is a lie.

That has to bother people in the valley who know better. So why don't you help me set the record straight and set both Bristol and Trig Palin free from having to serve as window dressing for her Vice Presidential campaign.


  1. Whoa!! That's too much! Why won't they talk? Could you get the kid's name from your friend?? Are you able to actually go to Wasilla and meet folks, interview them?

  2. wow...the kids are probally scared- as most kids are...WHO should come forward are the Hospital- NOTE the Hospital has never ever issued a statement about Trig..and his" birth"-

    THAT says Everything....

  3. It sounds like that particular kid is/was oblivious? So maybe no one's gotten to them yet??

  4. Well I did discuss possibly meeting this kid and my friend said she would ask her son, but then I started thinking that all of this is still hearsay. I mean even gossip that everybody believes to be true, is still just gossip.

    I am not sure how much weight it would carry even if I had a dozen Wasilla High school kids willing to tell me that they all heard she was pregnant.

    I am much more interested in finding somebody who works at the hospital, or works at West High School, or saw the governor or her daughter up close during the months of February and March.

    That might be something worth pursuing.

    And if anybody has that kind of first hand knowledge I would appreciate them leaving me a comment. The comments go to my e-mail and I can communicate with them in private and establish if they have any information that may help to answer some of these puzzling questions.

    At this point I would really like to put this issue to bed.

  5. Anonymous6:19 PM

    If we should be so politically lucky that this Is true AND there's verifiable evidence, please consider waiting a month or so to release it for the October Surprise.

  6. Greetings from Oregon! I just discovered your blog last week, and I'm loving it!!

    I hope you get the confirmation/undisputable evidence to support this story. And, I hope the "truth" comes out sooner, as opposed to sometime after November 4th! Please keep stirring this pot! There's got to be some fire under all the smoke. . .

  7. Anonymous11:07 PM

    How unfortunate that we have to rely on blogs and the National Enquirer to actually do real journalism and get to the bottom of things such as this. So the question is, the Enquirer has big money behind it and they've had people in Alaska for a week now, so haven't they gotten information on this from any of these high school students?

  8. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Have you seen this?


  9. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Well things like birth or death certificates are public record. I would suggest that anyone who lives in that area go to the records dept and request a copy. You simply need basic information like the dob, name, etc and generraly it is a small fee or at least that's how it works in my neck of the woods. Maybe that will help but if not always remember "what you do in the dark will always come to light". Thanks for the blog and I will pass it along!!!

  10. Yeah this is crazy... there is no reason that information is not available and don't presidents, etc. have to produce medical records?

    They must be doing a hell of a lot to keep everyone at bay. Think they can keep stalling for 54 more days?!?

  11. NOTE regarding birth certificates - if Palin legally adopted Trig then the birth certificate that is available to the public would be changed to show her as the mother - so that would not prove who gave birth to him.


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