Monday, September 01, 2008

Here is a screenshot of the MySpace page where the pictures shown below originated from.

Thank you Helen for saving this for us.


  1. Gryphen, you're going all crazy like you did about the WTC7 thing. There's not a shred of evidence that Trig is Bristol's baby. In fact, most of the evidence goes against that theory (myspace comments, Bristol's current pregnancy, etc). The only factoid that even suggests that Palin didn't give birth to Trig is that fact that she went back to Wasilla and wasn't obviously pregnant. But neither of these proves anything. By engaging in idle speculation about something that's unrelated to the Vice Presidency, you only paint progressive bloggers as shallow rumormongers. Unless you get some real evidence, please stop doing damage to our side.

  2. This is definitely a case where it makes sense to sit tight and let this story unravel on its own. It is in the mainstream media now and we should know soon enough what's up. There's a lot that doesn't make sense from any perspective right now.

  3. Ah, two sane commenters in a row!
    I can't see the logic in the claims and the story, which is beside the point of So What?

    This is personal, family stuff.

  4. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Now I read on a blog, Palin lied about winning a Miss Congeniality contest in some beauty contest in 1984. The girl that won the contest, says Palin is "very shallow". It just keeps rolling along, what a clown.

  5. Anonymous8:04 PM

    keep up the good work....stay on the case!

  6. Are you kidding me with this crap? If the baby was Levi's, she would call it her little nephew, not her little brother. She and her brother are obviously close to the Palin family (calling Sarah her mommy-in-law when it is her brother that is marrying into the family). Depending on how long Sarah was in the hospital (which is usually much longer than normal with a high risk baby), it is highly likely that they would be invited to see Trig. As for the "family love" comment, she obviously already considers Bristol as family and, by extension, all the Palins. Who comes up with this crap?

  7. Anonymous8:06 PM

    this woman lied to her constituents, the repuglican party and the american people...SHOW A BIRTH CERTIFICATE....

  8. First of all, the photo of the Palin family was taken in 2006.

    Secondly, this rumor was started by Sarah's enemies months ago in Alaska.

    The Anchorage Daily News investigated it, and found it was untrue. There are many witnesses to the birth.

    How could Bristol have a baby and be pregnant at the same time. Is she having the twin at Xmas?

    Why don't you delve into Obama's background? Oh, I guess you don't want to talk about 20 years with Rev. Wright, his terrorist friend Bill Ayers, and felon Tony Resko.

    Did Obama ever fight the corrupt Chicago machine as Sarah did against the corrupt Alaskan republicans?

    You're showing yourself to be mean-spirited elitists.

  9. Anonymous8:09 PM

    sarah was back on the job in 3 days, no time in any hospital, unheard of for a 44 year old woman delivering a high risk baby. and standing there in shorts behind a newborn, give me a break, this governor is a liar. she'll get caught and go down.

  10. As long as we are asking for birth certificates, let's see Obama's, the actual candidate for President. His birth records are sealed.

  11. Anonymous8:13 PM

    maybe bristol is just 3 months or 4 months preggers....time will tell the whole story. i would like to see a birth certificate or a DNA test. sarah should have no problem agreeing to this since this story has gotten so big and will not be going away anytime soon.

  12. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Yes, I would like to know that the potential vice president and possible future president is not a scum liar....let's see proof....a birth certificate please and a little blood.

  13. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Yes, I would like to know that the potential vice president and possible future president is not a scum liar....let's see proof....a birth certificate please and a little blood.

  14. Um, I hate to tell you this, but 3 days is a pretty long time nowadays, especially for a seasoned mother. My good friend, who is slightly younger than Sarah gave birth to her second child on Sunday with a high risk pregnancy. She is going home tomorrow morning and back to work (she is a teacher)on Wednesday when school starts again.

    As far as a blood sample, what are you kidding? You are clearly not going to vote for her anyway, so what loyalty does she owe you? Even if she did agree to such an unprecendented and ludicrous request, people like you would only say that the results were altered. Give me a break. You really don't want to go down the lying politician road. Remember "I did not have sex with that woman"? Don't go there.

  15. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Take a look at these pics:

  16. Anonymous9:09 PM

    query- what is the legal age for consuming alcohol in AK? Some of those photos appear to show the kids drinking.. or maybe I am mistaken.

  17. I agree that this is a family matter, and a very sad one at that. I like Obama's response to this very much.

    That being said, I think the strong response to this story is due to the fact that Palin is very conservative, from the population of Americans that believe in abstinence-only education and no sex before marriage. I wonder if alot of people are thinking "if this was Obama's daughter, he would be raked over the coals by the press and the Republican party." If this were the Democratic nominee for Pres or VP, I fear it would absolutely NOT be a family matter. That is the difference and it feels like hypocrisy. In addition, there is a sense that this "family matter" is acceptable if you belong to a far-right Christian conservative family. If you are an inner-city teen, your pregnancy is a problem, if you are Sarah Palin's daughter, it is a "blessing." The anticipation of hypocrisy is what I think has gotten many people so riled up and even vitriolic.

    Her daughter's pregnancy should not be in the national spotlight. Palin should have declined the VP post to avoid the spotlight being put on a young woman who is probably going through a great deal right now without all the media attention. As a mother, what was she thinking?

    Does that demonstrate good judgment, compassion and family values?

  18. Anonymous9:54 PM

    You are so ignorant you make me want to puke. All of you fucks should be admonished for your foolishness. Get a life you pieces of shit!

  19. Jackie, I agree with you that this is strictly a family matter. That being said, who is more to blame for dragging this poor girl through the mud? A mother that is publicly supporting her or the dirt diggers that were accusing her of bearing a child that her parents were now raising as their own? Before any announcement was made about her current pregnancy, she was already plastered all over the media with unfounded rumors. Where was the decency in that? Let's just pretend for a minute that Bristol was not pregnant now and there was nothing to protect her over as far as the Palins were concerned. Bristol would still have been smeared in the media and we could hardly blame her parents for that. Never in my life have I seen such a vicious witchhunt after a candidate's child. This goes beyond the scope of being in the interest of the public and becomes just sleazy. The difference between an inner city pregnancy and Bristol's pregnancy is that the Palins are giving their support and resources to their daughter and her child. Bristol is not being left to fend for herself as a confused scared teenager. That does demonstrate good judgment, compassion and family values.

    Anonymous, maybe you should get a life. While you're at it, get some balls too and post under your own name and not the veil of anonimity if you are going to be so judgmental.

  20. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Kimberly, we can "pretend for a minute" that the girl was not pregnant, but then the rumors would not have started.

  21. For the past two days blogs all over the place (including this one) were tripping over themselves to fuel the rumor tht Bristol was Trig's mother. The post about the smoking gun picture is still prominently displayed. Pray tell me how all the wild speculation into Trig's birth is a direct result of her pregnancy today?

  22. Come see Intrade's take on McCandy.

    They have her withdrawing before the election. They also predicted Biden would be Obama's VP.

    Like I said somewhere, McCandy will be hitchhiking back to Alaska on Ted Stevens' "Bridge to Nowhere" by Halloween!

  23. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Pray tell me how all the wild speculation into Trig's birth is a direct result of her pregnancy today?

    first of all it is only an alleged pregnancy.

    second, the speculation is not wild. in dact there are millions of mothers since the beginning of time who have raised their daughters children. it is a commendable generous act to raise the child of a child.

    third, to get to your point. the allegation she is 'about 5 months' pregnant now (coupled w/the lie accompanying the news story it is to quell the rumor of 'palin's child's birth in MAY', when we know the child was born in april) is supposed to make it impossible for the daughter to have given birth to trig. however, it doesn't make it impossible.

    hope that answers your question.

  24. Anonymous6:38 AM

    also, when a teenage dirl drops out of public site for 5 to 8 months and her mother all of a sudden anounces she is in late term pregnancy and pops out a child it is not 'wild' to speculate the mother is covering for her daughter. not in the least. it is common sense.

    rumors get started because of peoples sense of logic and common sense, not wild speculative nature.

  25. I'll wait until the "alleged" pregnancy produces an "alleged" baby in December before I ask for volunteers to eat the crow.

    The speculation in this particular case is wild if for no other reason than the fact that a pregnancy in such a public figure as a sitting state governor would be extremely difficult to fudge. You can claim that the pregnancy was announced at the last minute but, as with many high risk pregnancies, many parents chose to keep silent as opposed to screaming it from the rooftops and being publicly crushed when a tragedy occurs.

    No, it doesn't make it impossible, but it makes it highly unlikely. What is your persuasive argument? That she came home from the hospital with a special needs baby that was pawned off on her parents, jumped back into bed, got pregnant again and then decided to keep this one? Don't make me laugh. Talk about doing the math. How about this one:

    A mother of Bristols age has a 1 in 1500 chance of having a Down's baby. A mother of Sarah's age has a 1 in 30 chance. Speaking logically, which one is more likely the mother of this child?

    So what was it? 5 months or 8 months? Let's hear some concrete facts instead of just random speculation. I missed almost 4 months of school around Bristol's age when I got chicken pox that had severe complications because of my age and compromised immunity. Oh no, wait. I was having a secret baby. Isn't that how it goes?

  26. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Actually, women under 30 have a 1 in 1,000 chance of delivering a child with Down Syndrome.
    But where is the proof the child truly has Down Syndrome?
    Should we go on Palin's say-so after she already got caught lying about the bridge to nowhere funding and troopergate?
    What if Bristol was like so many other teens who get pregnant because excess drinking weakened the resolve not to have sex?
    What if the child was born with another form of retardation called fetal alcohol syndrome?
    Wouldn't that be worth denying for a family values evangelical Republican?
    Having had two sisters who lived in Alaska for years, they told me how huge the alcohol abuse issue is and always has been in Alaska.
    And Todd Palin has a DUI conviction. Alcoholism is often exacerbated by heredity.
    And get this- a friend of mine is about to post on her blog some photos of Bristol drinking up a storm.

  27. Actually, if you reference this site:, you will see that 20 year old women have an estimated probability of 1 in 1923 (None of of the tables I have found go any lower than 20.

    Where is the proof that he doesn't have Downs? It's not a claim that can be hidden forever. The symptoms of DS and FAS are possibly similar, but not identical. A baby born with FAS will usually have the same physical characteristics as a baby born perfectly healthy. A baby born with DS will look just like a baby born with DS, period. Even if an FAS baby has physical abnormalities, one of them is not the protruding tongue that is classic Down's.

    The hype over the bridge is being wildly over exaggerated. She said she blocked the bridge. That's true, she did. Yes, she was originally in favor of the bridge, but when she found out what it would cost the Alaskan taxpayers, she turned it down. That's not deceit, its fiscal responsibility. Troopergate? If my scumbag ex-brother-in-law threatened to shoot my father, you better believe that I would move heaven and earth to get him removed from a position that allowed him to carry a handgun. I support a person's right to bear arms, right up to the point that it's a psychotic wife abuser that is bearing them.

    An estimated 1.2 million Americans were arrested for DUI in a year. Does that mean that there are 1.2 million babies born to teenage alcoholics per year? FAS occurs in 1-2 times per 1,000 live births. In 2000 there were 14,058,814 live births registered in the United States. That makes approximately 7,029 cases of FAS, give or take a few. Where are all the rest of the FAS babies if all it takes is having a father that got a DUI years ago?

    I would be more upset if there weren't pictures of Bristol drinking. It just proves that she's an average teenager testing the boundaries. At least she is not a Stepford child.

  28. Anonymous12:47 PM

    The speculation in this particular case is wild if for no other reason than the fact that a pregnancy in such a public figure as a sitting state governor would be extremely difficult to fudge.

    except for this governor. the reason why? she was alledgedly able to pull it off for 7 months. you can't have it both ways. if you want to be able to ask us to except she could pull that off, as being anything other than 'wild' then you have to give the other side as much leeway. to be fair anyway.

    You can claim that the pregnancy was announced at the last minute

    claim? actually it you who have claimed the pregnancy was announced at the last minute. i happen to believe the alleged pregnancy that wasn't was announced at the last minute.

    What is your persuasive argument?

    that it is not only highly unlikely, it is highly implausible, highly incomprehensible and some would say beyond wild speculation to fathom this contractions/water breaking/plane flight story. ESPECIALLY, in a public figure who SURELY has more to loose professionally had an exercise in risktaking such as these allegation entail, went wrong. a very public mile high birth w/serious consequenses involving death.

    Let's hear some concrete facts instead of just random speculation.

    my sentiments exactly. team palin is the only one in any position to offer concrete facts. thus far she hasn't. as anyone w/half a brain knows anyone can fake being pregnant. it is faking NOT being pregnant that is more challenging because it is MUCH easier to make an alleged pregnancy disappear, that making a real baby appear.

    if ms bristol, pops one out full term by december team palin will be on solid footing. but viola! that will be after the election. incredible timing don't you think? anyway i like your idea of concrete facts. maybe they could release them.

  29. Anonymous12:57 PM

    also, has anyone asked themselves..if there hadn't been this huge wave of bloggers talking about this issue, when exactly was the mcCain campaign planning on mentioing to the american public his VP pick had an unmarried teenage daughter who was going to give birth?

    would that have been at the convention speech? was he going to announce it anywaty last weekend and it just so happened the bloggers got to it first by coincidence? wouldn't it have made sense if he knew aboiut it and was planning to tell us all along, he would have done it when he introcufed her and she could have bragged about it along w/bragging about her downs syndrome baby? i mean isn't it a huge plus for her getting a new grandchild, so why not announce it at the beginning?

    or was he planning to wait until she was really popping out there as the days got closer and closer to the election? he knew all along? pleeeease.

    curious minds want to know.

  30. Anonymous1:02 PM

    a pregnancy in such a public figure as a sitting state governor would be extremely difficult to fudge.

    huh? how can i disagree w/this! it is not a pregnancy in a sitting governor i am alleging, it is a non pregnancy. and yes, that is becoming increasingly difficult for her to fudge, which is why we are talking about it and why the rumors have been flying in her own state for months. one would thinbk as the date gets further and further it would get easier, but we have known her less than a week and i would have to say there are probably millions of americans not buying her story.

  31. "except for this governor. the reason why? she was alledgedly able to pull it off for 7 months. you can't have it both ways. if you want to be able to ask us to except she could pull that off, as being anything other than 'wild' then you have to give the other side as much leeway. to be fair anyway"

    How many pregnant women have you known? It is not at all uncommon to not show until six or seven months. There are so many factors that contribute to this. Body type of the mother, size of the baby, position of the baby, etc etc. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman of advanced maternal age keeping an at risk pregnancy to herself, especially during the first trimester when a miscarriage is highly likely and most definitely after an amnio that would have told her that the baby had Down's.

    "claim? actually it you who have claimed the pregnancy was announced at the last minute. i happen to believe the alleged pregnancy that wasn't was announced at the last minute."

    I'm glad we agree on this. I have grown weary today of the people who want to have their cake and eat it too by claiming that Bristol is Trig's mother and now also carrying a second child.

    "that it is not only highly unlikely, it is highly implausible, highly incomprehensible and some would say beyond wild speculation to fathom this contractions/water breaking/plane flight story. ESPECIALLY, in a public figure who SURELY has more to loose professionally had an exercise in risktaking such as these allegation entail, went wrong. a very public mile high birth w/serious consequenses involving death."

    Sarah is a tough woman. Alaskan residents have to face everyday challenges that we "in the lower 48" never even think of, including risky travel by air. There are many towns there where a plane is the only transportation to a hospital and you just get on with things. She was comfortable with how the pregnancy was progressing, and as an experienced mother, probably didn't even give it a second thought.

    "my sentiments exactly. team palin is the only one in any position to offer concrete facts. thus far she hasn't. as anyone w/half a brain knows anyone can fake being pregnant. it is faking NOT being pregnant that is more challenging because it is MUCH easier to make an alleged pregnancy disappear, that making a real baby appear."

    Bristol's pregnancy (the confirmed one) was not a secret in their home town. Locals knew about it before Palin was seriously approached about becoming VP. Why would the Palin family spread false rumors about their teenage daughter's pregnancy locally before the VP pick was even confirmed? For sport? When Obama, Biden & McCain are asked for the birth certificates and blood samples of their children, I'll be okay with Sarah being asked.

    I could not have cared less if the campaign, or anyone else ever made mention of the pregnancy. Just like no one really cared when Cheney's daughter was outed, Sarah's teenage daughter being pregnant has no impact on how her mother will perform her political duties. While its nice that Sarah shares some of my personal beliefs, as a voter, I'm more interested in her accomplishments as the executive of her state.

  32. Anonymous1:44 PM

    They are saying Bristol is now pregnant....she is not, she just still has babyfat from giving birth to Trig. Sarah will take the stage and accept the nomination. Next week Bristol will have a "miscarriage" due to the stress and Sarah will pull out "for the sake of her family". Bristol then will not marry the father (who doesn't want her or Trig anyway) and Sarah can continue the farce....getting support and sympathy from all of her supporters who believe she made the choice to have a Downs baby. Don't you all know how the repuglican mind works????

  33. No way with a slim figure and 5"3' could you hide a 7-month pregnancy. I'm 5"3' and I can't hide a 5 lb weightgain. Ask any petite woman.

  34. She's skinny in the photo where she was supposed to be 7 months pregnant.

    She refuses to produce hospital records.

    McLame didn't properly vet her and he did NOT know about her daughter's pregnancy, so she tried to sneak it by.

    If McLame DID know about her daughter's pregnancy and still offered her the VP that means McLame is batshit insane and wants to lose the election very badly.

    I honestly now hope she stays in the race. She's becoming a huge liablity and since the rethugs will undoubtedly try to fix the outcome (again) we need to win by a landslide.

  35. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Going back to the DS comments... you know, Trig doesn't look like he is DS. Kimberly said that babies with FAS can look normal while DS babies show DS characteristics. It's still early, but my main thought is that in the pictures I've seen, Trig looks like Levi, as opposed to a combo of Sarah and her husband.

  36. Anonymous: It is certainly not impossible for a petite woman to have little to no baby bump at seven months. I'm a petite woman too. It really does depend on how your personal body handles weight gain. We don't all carry it the same way.


    This is great! What are we doing here speculating when you have inside first hand knowledge of the McCain campaign? So what was McCain's private reaction when he found out that the daughter was pregnant? Where were you two when he first heard about it? Really, such a break through for us information-wise. Please tell us all about it. Honestly, what is it with people making assumptions and passing them off as fact? You don't know anything for certain any more than any other person not in the campaign's inner circle.

    Anonymous: What pictures are you using as reference? I'm not giving you a hard time. I would just like to compare for myself. None of the ones I have seen so far gave me the same impression.

  37. Kimberly, well I also know that Obama's birth certificate is legitimate and you were wrong about that.

    You know I could be wrong about McLAME knowing beforehand that he was offering the VP slot to someone with an ongoing scandal. That just means that if I'm wrong, McLAME is either senile or crazy.

    NO ONE takes on someone with a potential scandal. WHY? (since you are thick enough to ask) BECAUSE it's STUPID.

    What else ya got? I mean, besides lies about Obama?

    Oh and petite is petite. Where would you hide 15-20 lbs (it's not just baby, it's amniotic fluid and all that) on your tiny frame? In your ass? Because there's really no other area on the body it wouldn't be totally obvious.

  38. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Also Kimberly, If McLame DID know about her daughter's pregnancy and still offered her the VP that means McLame is batshit insane... Says Helen Wheels.

    It's not wrong to speculate on the bat shit craziness of a presidential candidate. Helen gave you more than one if, but you stopped reading (or paying attention) after the first one got your goat.

    Have a happy.

  39. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Please look at the pictures at this link. When I saw the blogger's picture links my first thought was when was this taken and can I find out.

    What do you see about when the picture was uploaded and when it was taken. Could this information be correct?

    I have three children and I remember the date and time they were born. On her BIO it says Trig was born on April 23 although in an interview with her by the Boston Globe she states it was April 18. Maybe a typo?

    I think it is commendable if it does turn out to be Bristol's child and she wants to raise it. I find it distressing that she felt the need to lie about something like this.

    I like so many others do not like liars and do not see where it served any purpose at all if she did so.

  40. Anonymous7:45 PM

    BTW it seems a lot of information regarding this is disappearing from site so I will let you know in the case that you are unable to locate the link that I included in my last blog.

    view photos Uploaded on August 31, 2008
    by erik99559

    erik99559's photostream


    This photo also belongs to:
    Additional Information

    All rights reserved Anyone can see this photo

    * Taken with a Fujifilm FinePix S9000.
    More properties
    * Taken on March 19, 2005
    * 3 people call this photo a favorite
    * Viewed 68,254 times

    I did not change this information I just happened upon it when I clicked on the link above to see the pictures that were proof of her pregnancy. When I did so I clicked on Flickr and found the original photo inclusive of this information. It was posted on August 31 and shows it was taken on March 19, 2005.

    Maybe a mistake but too weird regarding the circumstances surrounding all of this.

    Yes I know she has no children that were born in that time period so I cannot explain that date unless something tragic happened that she has not shared and rightfully so.

  41. Bark little doggies, bark.

    Helen, just exactly how do you KNOW Obama's birth certificate is real? Did you sign it? Were you the one that filed it? No? Well, then you know as much as the rest of us for certain. I do know that it is certainly easy enough for any pimple faced teenager to photoshop a web image, so imagine what could be done by experts working on a campaign. What about the claims by his own relatives that he was born in Kenya? This is really shocking evidence! What is with the cover-up here? It's a vast conspiracy I tell you. Sound familiar? It should. Its exactly what all of you have been doing to the Palin family. The only difference is that you are doing it to a 17 year old girl.

    No one takes on someone with a potential scandal? Riiiiight. How long have you been following politics exactly? There is no such thing as a scandal free politican these days. How thick are YOU not to realize that? Everyone has something in their closet and when you get up to the national level, there are gobs of people who are hired to find them. How do I know this? Because my husband used to be one of them until he couldn't take the sleeze of the profession anymore. Also, as you all here have so accurately shown, there doesn't even need to be any truth to a rumor to get it to explode to gigantic proportions. What else do YOU have, besides lies about Bristol Palin?

    Petite is petite, but Sarah Palin is no size zero. She is built about the same as I am. I have four children, ranging in birth weight from 5lb, 3 oz to 6lb, 9 oz. I didn't need maternity clothes until the last trimester.

    It's not wrong to speculate about any candidate. They are ALL crazy to begin with. We have not had a decent president in decades. Don't you worry your little heads though. I won't stop reading or paying attention and you little ones are going to have to get up earlier in the morning than this to get my goat. Have a happy yourself.

    When you were looking at the pictures of Sarah Palin's pregnancy, did you happen to notice that one of the men in the photos was Bill McAllister, her press secretary as governor? There is obviously news footage of this day. Why doesn't some enterprising conspiracy theorist check with the CBS affiliate that conducted the interview?

    What BIO has Trig's birthday listed as April 23rd? It certainly was April 18th as listed on several sites. ex, which includes comments made on the date itself by posters.

    Do you know how to tell if a politician is lying? Their mouths are moving. Wake up children. They are all liars to some extent and it's all about the spin. If you think Obama isn't a liar too, then you are just deluding yourselves.

  42. Anonymous11:16 AM

    hello little kimberly, you seem to be doing quite a bit of barking like a baby yourself. sqauking along the net doing the pick up the poop job for your master. HA! you're a fine one addressing any of us as if you had an ounce of credibility. for if you did, you would be bothering with sites like this.

    so run along little slave for the master, prove to us everything is hunkie dorie because everybody (except of course your honorable husband lol) is equally a steeped in shit as the next guy.

    funny tho, team rethug has had 18 months to scour over your highfaluten unsupported allegations (What about the claims by his own relatives that he was born in Kenya? HAHAHAHAH) ab=nd something tells me the gop as AT LEAST enough feet on the ground to disqualify him from the ticket if this were the case.

    the o so not impressive mr mcsame spent a whopping 2 minutes vetting spalin so you are going to have to hold onto your little panties while the beans keep on popping out of the juggernaut pooper. the fun is just beginning! the only side sweatin bullets here is yours, so don't think throwing around the attitude is going male anyone believe you got your shit together.

    who's the little doggie kimberly? that's right, go look in the mirror. then bark cuz tha's all you good for girl. that and getting on your knees in front of your master @ the gop.

  43. I bet Kimberly will be none too happy to hear that Crooks & Liars is reporting that McLAME (as i said) lied when he said he knew about the pregnant daughter.

  44. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was not subjected to a lengthy in-person background interview with the head of Sen. John McCain’s vice presidential vetting team until last Wednesday in Arizona, the day before McCain asked her to be his running mate, and she did not disclose the fact that her 17-year-old daughter was pregnant until that meeting, two knowledgeable McCain officials acknowledged Tuesday.

  45. Well hello little Anonymous-I'm-such-a-coward-I-can't-actually-give-my-name! How are things with you today?

    Firstly dear, it is spelled "squawking". Secondly, I can see why you so blindly support The Messiah. He thinks that all conservative women can't think for themselves either. Thirdly, lol. I'm sure that the owner of this blog and a lot of the other posters would be interested to know that you think that anyone that posts here has no credibility. If they did after all, they wouldn't be bothering with sites like this. Oooh. My stomach hurts. I haven't laughed like that since I was a little girl.

    You really need to read my posts more carefully. It's called sarcasm. I'll wait while you check the dictionary.

    I dismissed the Obama birth certificate nonsense ages ago. However, I was pointing out the obvious parallel between the dark conspiracy theories being thrown around on both sides.

    "is going male anyone believe..." I'm assuming you meant to say "is going to make anyone believe". Please, if you are going to try to convince anyone that your tirade has merit, please use more care when phrasing your rants. A for the rest of your little rant, quite the little vulgarian aren't you. Interesting to see what you think of an educated woman that can speak her own mind. I couldn't possibly have thoughts like this of my own without getting instructions did you phrase it?...oh yes, my master. Go Democrats! Party of the Liberated Woman. Yeah, right.

    Helen, it reports that the two knowledgeble McCain officials say that Sarah disclosed the information about her daughter's pregnancy the day before she was picked as VP. Let me say that again. The day BEFORE she was picked. How exactly does this imply that McCain lied when he said he knew about the pregnant daughter?

  46. You are right, Kimberly, I misread one word (until) in that paragraph. So he may have lied, but we don't know.

    However, either way it's an abysmal failure of a choice. If he knew her unwed, underaged daughter was pregnant why would he choose her? It makes me wonder HOW Palin admitted to it. Did she say her daughter was engaged already? Married?

    I still maintain that when politicians choose running mates they do not choose ones that have even a tiny bit of a chance of being involved in scandal unless they feel like committing political suicide. You can't tell me he showed concern for his party or even any smarts in strategy. If you think otherwise, please show me an example.

  47. Helen, I really don't believe that it was an abysmal failure of a choice, but probably not for the reasons that you are thinking. No conservative woman who has ever known anything about McCain will ever believe that he made a brave personal decision choosing Sarah. If you look at McCain's history, it is pretty clear that the GOP does not care for him either, seeing him as way too liberal for their tastes.

    I'm just a faceless post on the internet and feel free to call BS on what I say, but I wasn't lying when I mentioned my husband's previous career. Some of the dirt that he dug up was against McCain during his previous run for President and I really don't like the man, although I like Obama even less. He made a smart choice in picking Palin though and I'll tell you why. Because moderate conservatives like me (especially the women) needed a reason to actively get behind his campaign as opposed to either voting Obama or not voting period. It's a large group of voters to curry favor with. You can't tell me that Obama picked Biden for any reason other than the desire to have a running mate with the solid Washington experience behind him that Obama himself lacks. They really are very similar in tactics. Just like every other politician. The goal is election into office, nothing more.

  48. Kimberly, I completely agree that all politicians play games but there is a level at which they go beyond what I consider moral behavior and McLAme and Palin have crossed that line.

    I respectfully disagree w/the idea that a lot of moderate women will vote for Palin. And not because of babygate. Please visit my site, and see today's post. There are much, MUCH bigger reasons not to let that woman anywhere near the whitehouse.

    ANd I welcome your comments on what I've written. I know it's long so I understand if you don't wish to slog through it.

  49. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I dismissed the Obama birth certificate nonsense ages ago. However, I was pointing out the obvious parallel between the dark conspiracy theories being thrown around on both sides.

    ms kimslave, what 'obvious parallel'. why don't you expound on the similarities of a lir that isn't true, and a supposedly pregnant woman who claims herself she got on the plane?

    please tell me the anti choice crowd who care so much for a little fetus think it is AOK to disregard the safety of one that is ready to pop out any second.

    while you are showing what a fool you are w/your 'obvious parallels' about something totally unfounded comparing to the family values of not accepting responsibility for raising a teenage mother. lol, she's such a great mom she couldn't educate her own kid regarding her own body.

    so, they don't compare. the bummerella of situation numero uno id the allegation she was covering for her daughter, tigg's mom, actually redeems her in my eyes because protecting your kid is a positive attribute, while showing complete disregard for a full term baby;s life isn't.

    'm just a faceless post on the internet

    exactly, which is why the accusation i am a coward for not having a name is BS and you know it. it is the easiest thing to claim a name, shows no courage whatsoever. hey ! call me master if you want a name.

    that should be fun for a slave to the system.

    I can see why you so blindly support The Messiah.

    huh? i'm a ron paul supporter! nice try. and concerning my spelling i could care less for correcting my typos, you aren't worth it. if i respected you that would be something else but i don't. why should i care about spelling when your arguments have so many holes they resemble swiss cheese.

    I'm sure that the owner of this blog and a lot of the other posters would be interested to know that you think that anyone that posts here has no credibility. If they did after all, they wouldn't be bothering with sites like this.

    HAHAHA. do you take us for idios! i love this blog, i truely love watching a corrupt piece of crap like palin get raked over the coals. what's your excuse? you are hear to defend her..big difference looser. BTW, i never said everyone who posts here has no credibility. just you, ya little piece of crap. you started this demeaning BS game of being f'ing disrespectful or don't you remember. you're the dog calling for people to bark.

    i'm just pitting your lousy lame slave ass in place to teach you a little lesson about being a crude bitch.


    there, all better now, i am no longer anon to you.

    ps, and why are you here to defend this piece of shit? i know why i come hear to palin central.

    helenwheels, i thought you might appreciate this great video about gop vetting! enjoy!

  50. OMG Anonymous that is so funny and really well done! I subscribed! Thanks!

  51. Helen, I was more than happy to read your blog today. I'm going to ask for the same courtesy if you are willing to give it as my answer will be lengthy.

    I respect your conviction in your opinions and the effort you put into defending them. Of course there are some points that I disagree with, but that was to be expected, lol. I never mind expanding my knowledge of all sides of any issue which is one of the reasons why I seek out sites like this that are completely opposite to my own beliefs.

    I read today's post and the content of the links that provided the information.

    (1) The wolves/polar bear issues, I can't really comment on without being hypocritical. Regardless of whether or not I support wolves being shot from a plane (I don't), I'm not a vegetarian and just don't think an argument about what kind of animal can be killed for what reason and in what way holds any weight. I freely admit that the slaughterhouses that supply my meat are far more cruel than a gunshot from a plane, so I really don't have a moral highground here.

    (2) Global warming. This is topic all on its own that I have mixed opinions about. Short answer, I see both sides of the argument.

    (3) I already copped to this point earlier. The GOP definitely wanted someone more conservative than McCain. I don't really think this is an unexpected preference. Like I said earlier, Obama did the same thing with Biden.

    (4) Abortion is another stand alone topic. I don't believe in abortion either. I don't care if you (the general you) have one, but I don't want my tax dollars paying for it. That is about as fair as I can be. As for the rape/incest factor, I don't agree her, but since realistically Roe v Wade isn't going to be repealed at any point, what her (or anyone else's) opinion on abortion is doesn't influence my vote. She is not, however, so fanatical about the abortion issue that she does not support abortion in the event that the mother's life is in danger. As far as hard core conservatives are concerned, that alone is a fairly liberal idea.

    (5) I could argue this one all day. Why is it that the same people who would have supported her choice to abort this baby altogether condemn her for flying home to have it. At what point before birth does a mother's right to decide what to do with her own body cease? Careful here. It's really a slippery slope. If you are a believer that life begins at birth but you open the door and say "Gee, it was really reckless of her to make that trip and endanger the baby", you can expect people to ask why it is reckless behavior if that baby is still unborn. As for the abstinence only programs, all I can say is that I don't support any sex ed period in schools (There, my conservative leaning is showing). It should not be a school's job to educate kids about abstinence or birth control. That provenance belongs to the parents/guardians, the church (if there is one), a social worker or a counselor. Biology class can explain the specifics of reproduction, but it should really be on the parents to take enough responsibility for their own children to provide the resources about making a choice. If the argument is that not enough parents are taking the responsibility, then the focus should be on why that is happening, not on foisting the chore onto the schools.

    (6) I have already explained my position on this issue as well. Anything should be done to stop a peace officer from using his municipality issued firearm to threaten or intimidate a citizen that is not threatening him with one. That Sarah had a personal interest in this case does not make the behavior of the officer involved any less grave.

    (7) See my earlier post on the bridge issue.

    (8) If you are going to talk about Sarah's ties to Steven's then you have to talk about Obama and Ayers. Until someone shows me a large receipt for personal financial gain for Sarah from Stevens' money or a bomb in Obama's basement made by Ayers, this point is moot.

    (9) I think it is unrealistic to expect Sarah not to talk about her son in the military when her position on the war would most certainly come into question. After all, the media has shown no restraint in investigating her daughter's uterus, so why not her son's career choice?

    (10) I can't find enough concrete information behind this statement to form an educated position on what her reasonings behind this were. I'm more than willing to read any solid material that anyone could point me to.

    Today's points:

    (1) If it is true, I don't agree with her. However, I would like to have confirmation that she did such a thing other than the word of one person who may have a personal agenda.

    (2) After reading a number of sites where people have been calling Alaska "a minor state", "inconsequential", "podunk state", "small potatoes" and my favorite "frozen tundra piece of s**t state that no one gives a f**k about", I wouldn't blame Alaskans (including Sarah) if they took their oil and told the rest of us to shove it.

    (3) I'm not suprised by this. Any politician that claims they don't try to get everything they can from federal government for their area is lying.

    (4) I don't like it, but it really is the first thing that I heard about her that I completely disagree with, and let's be honest, I've heard a lot lately.

    (5) Crazy Reverand, Crazy Church. Definitely see Obama on this one as well.

    (6) I brought this point up myself.

    (7) Give me a break on this one. 90% of all new businesses will fail before their 5th year.

    (8) A spin, but not an outright lie and something that everyone one in this race has done to some degree.

    Those are my comments and I genuinely welcome yours back. A little spirited debate is always enjoyable.

    Anonymous misogynist,

    I would have thought the obvious parallels that I mentioned would be, well, obvious. The comparison I was making was between the unfounded rumors of Obama's birth certificate and the unfounded rumors about the birth mother of Trig Palin. That seems pretty obvious to me. I'm sorry you can't grasp the concept. As for my opinion on her decision to fly, please see the above reply to Helen.

    I am sorry to hear that you are a Ron Paul supporter though. For his sake that is. I like Ron Paul and I can get behind a lot of what he says. I just can't waste my vote on someone who has absolutely no chance of winning. Plain and simple he doesn't have the support of one of the two major parties. Although I think it is a shame, a candidate needs that advantage to win in our country. He's a good man and I really don't think he would appreciate having a supporter such as yourself that presents themselves as a sad little name calling bully. You shouldn't take care in your spelling and phrasing out of respect for me, you should do it out of respect for yourself and your opinions. As I mentioned earlier, I came to this blog to see the viewpoint of the other side. Perhaps you should try it sometime. Oh and by the way, the "bark little doggies bark" comment was a reference to Resevoir Dogs, so get a life.

    While I'm sure that you are the type that would love to have a woman call you master, you will get no such satisfaction from me.

  52. LOL. I guess Helen wasn't interested in hearing my opposing opinions afer all. Typical.

  53. Anonymous9:17 AM

    yeah, typical for anyone who is bored w/your bullshit.

    While I'm sure that you are the type that would love to have a woman call you master,

    nice try, i am a woman myself and you are an embarrassment to our sex.

    grow up and quit digging holes for yourself. your mealy mouthed defenses of palin remind me of the reasons mcCain is keeping her away from the press.

    Palin Delivered "Non-Answers" On Expanding Health Care Coverage and Walmart. "Asked about expanding health care coverage and about Wal-Mart's corporate conduct, she delivered non-answers with a disarming smile." [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 1/30/06]

    i'm done w/you on this thread, as i imagine helen is to w/your blathering such as "I respect your conviction in your opinions and the effort you put into defending them."

    i sure as hell don't respect yours, you're an obvious tool spewing stupid talking pts.


  54. I'm sure you are bored with what I have to say. People like you always are bored at the prospect of listening to an opposing opinion.

    I'm not suprised to hear that you are a woman. Your kind of woman is the kind that demands respect for yourselves while refusing to give any to the women that have differents beliefs from you. Pro-Woman Pro Choice! (Just as long as the choices are the the ones you espouse).

    Do you think you could use something a little more current than an almost two year old quote? Here, I've got old news for you too:

    I'm sure you are done with me. People like you can't stand it when someone will take the time to stand against the drivel that you spew. At least I was genuine in my respect for Helen and at least I have backed up my positions instead of spouting profanity and insults in place of real discussion.

  55. Anonymous11:59 PM


    Kimberly said...

    Bark little doggies, bark.

    Your kind of woman is the kind that demands respect for yourselves while refusing to give any to the women that have differents beliefs from you.

    i'll refuse to respect you any day of the week you hypocritical crude piece of shit calling people dogs. you have no idea how i treat anyone else, you can only speak for yourself. go back up thread and review who you called a dog, and save your breath lecturing anyone about 'my kind of woman', go look in the mirror while you wash your mouth out w/soap.

    Kimberly said...

    Bark little doggies, bark.

    Bark little doggies, bark.

    Bark little doggies, bark.

    Bark little doggies, bark.

    Bark little doggies, bark.

    my kind of woman puts disrespectful insulting mysogynist disgusting people like you in their place.

  56. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Someone may already have mentioned this, (I haven't read all comments yet - there's a lot of them) but the girl in the pictures calls the baby her 'brother,' not her nephew. If the child were her brother's child, she would say nephew. However, if her brother were marrying Bristol Palin, then she might consider all of Bristol's brothers and sisters her own brothers and sisters.

    I had actually thought there might be something to this Trig-is-actually-Bristol's son thing but now I'm actually quite convinced there's not!

  57. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I'm an Obama supporter by the way. But I agree with funkalunatic (and others who say similar things) that this gossipy type of stuff paints a bad picture for all of us. It gives anyone with sympathies for Palin a legitimate reason to be unhappy with us. It's no different than spreading rumors that Obama is a secret Muslim, and such-like. The bloodthirsty eagerness to uncover some scandal regarding Palin's family is unbecoming and, let's be honest, a bit childish.

    My primary reason for not liking the GOP is because their party leaders think that acting childishly is just fine, and by the same token, my primary reason for supporting Obama is because he doesn't.

    I'm not saying not to 'investigate' anything about Sarah Palin that seems like it's worth investigating, but my problems with this situation are a) that there is a palpable a sense of *wanting* the story to be true because it would be a juicy scandal, and b) that there's not enough caution being taking before insisting that these rumors must be true.

  58. Anonymous the way you have been screaming, cursing and insulting really makes you pretty pathetic sounding.

  59. Well Jessica it may be worth noting that I had all but reached my conclusion that Sarah was not trig's mother BEFORE I found this MySpace page and BEFORE I ever laid eyes on Bristol Palin (Who appears much more like somebody who gave birth and is breastfeeding then a teenage athlete who is just now pregnant for the first time.)

    I based my conclusion on a number of pictures taken of Palin just before she gave birth, and just after she gave birth, that have since all been removed from the Governor's webpage.

    There were also various accounts from staff, reporters, flight attendants, and others who seemed amazed that Palin either was currently pregnant or had just given birth.

    And then there was the story of Bristol and her 6 month long absence from school due to Mono, which occurred AFTER she had already been removed from her school in Wasilla, and shipped to West High School in Anchorage. The Wasilla high school principal has no idea why she left. Mono, as i am sure yo are aware, is a common excuse to keep pregnant girls out of school.

    So Jessica I understand that you find the label under the MySpace pictures confusing, so did I, but when you add them to the information that we already had uncovered, it leads one to write the kind of post that you have left your comment at.

    If you need more information to help convince you then I suggest you go here:
    Where my good friend Enigma has gathered ALL of the pertinent information.

    And I also disagree that this is a mere distraction, it is not. This story reveals just how incredibly duplicitous Sarah Palin is, and it needs to be revealed to the public.

    Thank you for your visit and your comments.


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