Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Here is what one of Sarah Palin's Wasilla neighbors have to say about her. Not everybody is such a big fan.

Around Wasilla there are people who went to high school with Sarah.

They call her "Sarah Barracuda" because of her unbridled ambition andpredatory ruthlessness. Before she became so powerful, very uglystories circulated around town about shenanigans she pulled to be madepoint guard on the high school basketball team.

When Sarah'smother-in-law, a highly respected member of the community and
experienced manager, ran for Mayor, Sarah refused to endorse her.

It does not look like our little Miss Sarah has changed much does it?


  1. Hey, Gryph, I have my own take today on the story, where I assume until proven false that the official story is actually the truth, but no matter the actual details, this may explain Sarah a lot.


  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Your site is the most enlightening one I have come across. But the story by this neighbor is remarkable. She gives so much information, and somehow I get this feeling that it is all true. But I get the whole picture as she writes and I am almost afraid for her. She is a brave woman to come forward. However, the only thing she says that now confuses me is the fact where she says the baby is definitely Sarah's and how she hid it for seven months from parents and children. After reading your blog and seeing the posted pictures, I was convinces this was Bristol's child. The way she flew home so quickly from Texas and was on and off the phone just made me feel sure she was talking with dtr as dtr went into labor. Then now she comes forward saying dtr is expecting, and as someone here said, how easy to now have a miscarriage. This thing stinks. It is so bizarre that it is off the charts crazy. Almost too crazy to believe, yet, there is just something here that is fishy about this woman. Something in your gut that just says this woman is all fake, she is fooling people. Well, the neighbor's story confirms this. Someone should have talked with her. Is there anyway this will be cleared up, will something like this be checked out by FBI or someone in power. I mean this is serious stuff, our whole world is involved. I cannot believe McCain has pulled this off. I am an Obama supporter, but this is just too crazy. Thanks for all your information. Keep it coming to keep it honest.

  3. McCandy is a bitch on wheels.


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