Tuesday, September 02, 2008

That clicking sound on Ted Stevens phone was the FBI. Over 100 times!

FBI agents taped more than 100 phone conversations involving Sen. Ted Stevens as part of their public corruption investigation, Stevens' attorneys said today.

The FBI's trove of secretly recorded conversations has already been the highlight of trials in Alaska, but the size of its collection against Stevens has until now been unclear. The sometimes-graphic conversations between hard-drinking oil contractors and corrupt Alaska politicians helped the Justice Department send three state politicians to prison.

One has to wonder if old Ted Stevens didn't stop every so often during his phone calls to tap his hearing aid to get the clicking to stop.

"Annie! Annie! This damn hearing aid is making that clicking sound again! Goddamn piece of junk!"

So stay tuned kids! Jury selection for the Ted Stevens corruption trial begins on September 22nd! Get your tickets now!

Though to be honest Uncle Ted will really have to work to compare to the spectacle of the Sarah Palin "babygate" and "Troopergate" fiasco's. Our little Sarah has certainly set the bar to brand new heights.

Oh I can just barely hide my pride at all of the attention my state is receiving from the national media.

Maybe I should start my winter drinking program early.


  1. Kidding aside, I was just thinking that we (family and I) should visit Alaska on holiday next summer.

    One of my close friends worked in Alaska (She was with the anti-organised crime task force.)and used to speak a lot about how beautiful Alaska is in Spring...

  2. I'm pretty sure that with all the attention your state is getting, your tourism industry will double or treble.

  3. Have you read this?

    This has been going around in cyberspace...

    About Sarah Palin

    From: http://www.washingtonindependent.com/3671/the-reform-candidate

    Submitted by Michael Wrightson on Sept 1, 2008

    A note to all by Anne Kilkenny

    Dear friends,

    So many people have asked me about what I know about Sarah Palin in the
    last 2 days that I decided to write something up . . .

    Basically, Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton have only 2 things in
    common: their gender and their good looks. :)

    You have my permission to forward this to your friends/email contacts
    with my name and email address attached, but please do not post it on
    any websites, as there are too many kooks out there . . .

    [ This was already posted on Washington Independent comments area,
    with a controllable hotmail account, and was obviously meant by the
    author to be read. ]


    Continue reading about Sarah Palin here.

  4. Yep I posted it too!

  5. Annie! Annie

    did somebody call mt name??

  6. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Ted Stevens? Who's Ted Stevens?

  7. ted? the criminal ted? does his wife share my name???

    she should tell him to try shoving it where the sun don't shine, that clicking sound may do him some good up there.

    ok, going back to my regular anon postings.

    luv yer blog btw, i had no idea what a cultured crowd you have up there. my theory is all those dark months bring out the best in folks.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.