Thursday, September 04, 2008

How insane is John McCain? This blog lists all of the Sarah Palin scandals, well almost.

The blog leaves out "babygate" but many people are still ticklish about touching that subject and I respect that.

Besides it looks like with all of the other breaking scandals that Sarah is going down even without Trig's paternity being an issue.

I am almost afraid to go to work, in case I miss the next exciting episode of this running soap opera. Oh well I need to make money to pay for my internet.

Have fun kids.


  1. Have you seen the YouTube video of the African American kid who was in Wasilla over the summer to see his father who claims he had an "affair" with Bristol and he's the father and not Levi?

    This whole thing has morphed into an episode of Jerry Springer meets Maury meets John Waters.

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Bristol looked like she is the one breast feeding. Her breasts loooked engorged last night standing on stage. I'm still skeptical about the mother of Trig

  3. omg...
    I love this new blog you found..I will of course have to steal this ;-0)

    Soooo you have not missed much today- tweetya pukecannon got in a argument- that was nice to see...

  4. Anonymous8:20 PM

    We really need to do all we can to support Obama. If you normally eat out at lunch or dinner would you be willing to pack a lunch or eat at home for a week or two and give the difference to Obama's campaign? We could call it "Brown baggin' for Obama" Any takers???

  5. Anony :::
    Great Idea...
    I have been doing that for monthes...Every holdiday- ie my birthday and Mothers Day- instead of getting a gift or dinner- we donated the money saved for Obama....

    8 Million has been given since Palin's Speech- we need to keep it up....Obama will need to travel more and also make more ads...

  6. Thanks, Gryphen and Christopher you nailed it!! Love it...


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