Thursday, September 04, 2008

Just a reminder to my Christian visitors.

With a tip of the hat to my fellow Alaskan blogger over at Mudflats.


  1. Spot on.

    McCandy is spot off.

  2. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Jesus Christ IS ...

    Why are you a non-Christian USING Jesus Christ to promote some political purpose? Next week it'll be a toad on a cross and you'll call it art!

    Jesus came to earth for one thing and one thing only which was to save our soul.



    PS: I'm a Community Organizer and give 3 days/wk for free. I also boast about it to my neighbors as taught by Christ.

    How much money did Obama get?

    And to carry on your disgusting depiction of Christ - did He ask for money? NOPE!

  3. Anonymous6:56 PM

    DON'T BOAST....

  4. Thanks for this picture, Gryphen. It's spreading around the left-leaning Christian blogosphere even as we speak.

    And by the way, since it's Friday and she's still on the ticket, I've added you to my blogroll.

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    And Mary was an unwed teen mother.

  6. Alinsky Husseins communist mentor was a community organiser too,which one u think Obama uses as a roll model

  7. He wasn't so much a community organizer as a "maverick." Over turner of the status quo. Vehemently opposed to elitists who claimed authority over the people.

  8. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Be sure to check out "okay... I'll play" below.

    Just turds

  9. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Jesus was the Son of God, who stretched out the heavens and dresses the lilies of the valley.

    Obama is most likely the son of a Kenyan who stretched out his legs as he ran away.

    You also forgot to mention the allegory of how Palin is crucifying Obama.

  10. Wow Gryphen you sure attracted all the wingnut trolls! Good job! That means they are scared out of their wits!

    Good job, keep it up.

  11. Anonymous4:24 PM

    ummm...not sure i would label Jesus Christ as a "community organizer." healer, performer of miracles, carpenter...but community organizer?? please. the more you all try to compare Obama to Jesus Christ, the more it will blow up in your face, i promise you.

  12. Well, Jesus did create a Christian community and he got involved directly in it by kicking the money changers out, for example.

    Unfortunately, the Christians with the loudest mouths (Pat Robertson, Sam Brownback, etc) only use Christ as a brand name with which to aid and abet the money changers and even amass some fortune for themselves.

    You know what the Bible says about the probably of the wealthy getting into heaven, right? So why are Christians so willing to side with those who Satan will be entertaining once their mortal souls run out of gas?

    And how do you feel about the GOP misusing the "shining city on a hill" of St. Augustine? The Republicans use it as a tribute to mammon while Augustine said that fear of God's wrath is what will put man on the straight and narrow to create an earthly paradise.

    So you see how much of a perversion of Christianity the Republicans are perpetrating on the public? Politics has polluted your faith. Enjoy.

  13. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Vile posts like this are why the Democrats will lose.

    Thanks for energizing the Republican base like no one else could!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.