Monday, September 15, 2008

I have to get this out of the way before dinner.

Tonight I continue my call for complete transparency from ALL of our Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, and ask them to please reelase their medical records so that our minds may be put at ease concerning their current health status.

Of course I have a special reason for wanting to see Sarah Palin's medical records in that I suspect she may have a parasitic tape worm in her stomach! I have been thinking it over and it is the only rational reason I can come up with for her drastic weight loss after giving birth to little Trig Palin. I am simply concerned with her health.

Well anyhow that is what I suspect, if you have another possible explanation please feel free to leave a comment.

Today is day six of :

The Immoral Minority's demand for the release of Sarah Palin's Medical Records!!


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Her medical records will expose the liar Palin is, she faked the pregnancy, and sucked in the sympathy of the outpouring of concern for her and baby Trig. I await the announcement of Bristol's "miscarriage". Have heard nothing of the pending wedding....Which is it going to be Sarah? I for one can't wait to see her and her "doctor" behind bars for insurance fraud. Keep up the good work, this story is not leaving....

  2. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Where is the baby now while Palin is campaigning? Is she dragging him along, up and down on airplanes (painful to babies' ears, and apt to cause an infection, not something to risk in a Down's baby, especially)?

    Or has she left him at home with Bristol?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.