Monday, September 15, 2008

Sarah Palin's promise of a transparent administration has drawn the curtains and locked the doors.

A campaign spokesman says Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin won't speak with an investigator hired by lawmakers to look into the firing of her public safety commissioner.

So the administration is "open" only until somebody uncovers something that requires an explanation? Perhaps somebody should buy Palin a dictionary so that she can look up the word "transparent", I am just not convinced she knows what it means. Oh and she might take a moment to look up the word "honesty" as well.

But it is comforting to know that the oil company lawyers the McCain campaign sent up here are earning their money.


  1. McCandy is a douchebag.

    Her scandals are mounting by the day.

    This can't go on much longer.

  2. So, according to McCain and Palin, how exactly did Obama and his people influence this investigation?

    That is some truly desperate grasping...

    Saw my first McCain/Palin sign the other day. Obama has pulled his ads from my state (Georgia), probably because, predictably, it will go red again.

    Racism reigns in the deep south still.

  3. Remember claiming that the Dems sent 30 lawyers down there? More lies...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.