Sunday, September 28, 2008

John McCain's face demonstrates his complete disdain for Barack Obama during the debate.

John McCain does not like to be challenged on his policy decisions or his votes.

John McCain does not like to have to talk to people he does not consider his peer.

John McCain is losing this election and he can barely hide his anger at the thought of being defeated by the uppity balck man sharing the stage with him.

John McCain better get used to being angry.


  1. better get used to bing angry...quite an understatement..
    Hey Gryphen-what about this choice on your poll?

    *Neither-I just want her to go away.

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Vote for Bob Barr...

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    John McCain suffered unimaginably in service to the rest of us. When his sacrifices are denigrated or ignored by those who never endured such treatment, his anger is understandable. I believe this instance is more revealing than the debate.

  4. Hey burr you get to collect "McCain points" for your heroic efforts in spreading the propaganda for the honorable John McCain.

    Don't spend themm all in the same place!

  5. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I thought John McCain was rude to Barack Obama. When Barack approached John to shake hands McCain was not warm or friendly he pulled away.
    He would not look at Obama during the debate.
    Barack and Michelle had to walk across the stage in the end and shake hands with McCains. McCain could have met him half way.
    John McCain is not a man I want talking to other leaders he may not like, he is rude. I can't believe anyone in their right minds would vote a McCain Palin ticket.
    I think if you are voting for McCain you have to some serious soul searching.....It comes down to race.
    God has a sense of humor he picked an african american to save America. He is giving America the choice...A black man or another Bush. We will have to see what kind of country America really is.

  6. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The only question I asked myself when the debate on foreign policy was over is, "Who would I want sitting across the table negotiating on behalf of the USA with the president of Iran or any other nation with nuclear capabilities?"
    Do I want an angry man who points out the negative, a man who cannot look another man in the eye?
    Or do I want a man who can discuss what the parties have in common and where the parties agree and a man who can look the other man straight in the eye?
    John McCain showed his true colors at the debate. He showed utter contempt and disrespect for Obama by not being able to look at him. He is from the "old school way of negotiating" in a "new world".


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It just goes directly to their thighs.