Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Katie Couric interviews Sarah Palin.

I just now finished watching this on the CBS evening broadcast.

I am not even going to comment.

I just would like all of you to watch and then reach your own conclusions.

And then I will share mine later in the comments section.


  1. Anonymous7:14 PM

    She's so fake, so obviously not straight-talking...and so completely uninformed, even about her own running mate.

    And that awful voice.

    Please God preserve us from having these two jokers in the White House. We need a serious, smart, hardworking president to help us get through this crisis...not a couple of party hacks!.

  2. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Katie Couric is more qualified than Sarah Palin to be VP...

    Seriously, this is why they are really limiting her exposure to the press. All she can do is sound bites. She has no background, no depth.

    I think Couric did a good job of trying to get an answer without looking as though she was badgering.

    Thanks for posting!
    What did you think?

  3. Wow. Thanks for posting this. Well, she had her talking points memorized, but faltered when pressed for anything specific.

    I actually loved Katie's facial expressions, to me they transmitted her total disdain for SP.

    Quite obviously, SP is in no way qualified to be the vice president of this country.

  4. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I felt that when Katie asker her about the campaign manager still having a stake in fANNY....tHE looonG PAUSE and regergitates the exact same answer she gave before....This time with alot more stumbles.....The Republican party is pretty much done considering they finally know the Palin fad is WAAY over and knows the public now wants someone they can count on.....Not someone who is coached on how to give answers....This was an even worse interview Palin has done...worse then the interview with Gibson.......Hannity interview does not count since they filmed that like a movie until she got it right

  5. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Her exact repetition of the same talking points in response to Katie's pressing the question on Freddie/Fannie proves she doesn't have any original thoughts of her own. She answered Charlie Gibson's question about Iran attacking israel with the same exact memorized phrase then too. She can't even come up with synonyms for the words in the talking point!

    What strikes me most about Sarah Palin's interview style is how PAGEANT it is!! The way a pageant queen immediately starts talking before they even start thinking, and talk talk talk spitting out rehearsed quotes until the bell goes off and then smiles and act like what they said makes sense. Pageant queens barely listen to what they are being asked, they'll just shoehorn their same "peace on earth" answer into any question.

    Like the South Africa and the Iraq and such as!

  6. Okay it has taken me three and a half hours but I have finally managed to compose myself and can now comment.

    This was absolutely stunning! I could simply not believe how vacuous Sarah Palin's answers were. I have to admit I did not expect much, but I guess I did expect her to at least understand the questions.

    All this poor ignorant creature could manage to do was to vomit forth the talking points that have literally been repeated to her over and over and over since McCain plucked her from the wilds of Wasilla to be on his ticket.

    She is so clueless, that it is an insult to clueless people, to use that definition.

    I tried to call my friend after the interview and was suddenly overcome with hysterical laughter.

    After wiping the tears from my eyes I posted the video for the enjoyment of you, dear visitors, so that you too could thank your lucky stars that your parents did not move you to Wasilla, Alaska so that you could grow up to be the most embarrassing Vice Presidential candidate in history.

    Do you know who is loving Sarah Palin? Dan Quayle that's who.

  7. Anonymous10:28 PM

    LOl yeah Dan Quayle sounds now like a genius compared to Palin!!

    This is from part of her answer...Talk about Miss teen south Carolina part 2...but the teen girl did do better!!!


    As John Mccain has been saying and ahh I has been in ahh ahh ahh much more local level been also rallying against.. is the undo influence of lobbyist in public policy decisions being made ****

    She should have put in part of her anwer....The Iraq and such as!!=)

  8. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Yep. She's said about all she knows and is doesn't have anything else.

    No matter how hard they try, no one can "teach" her up to the level required for national office. She can't even remember all the crammed talking points.

    This was like watching a 5th grader who hadn't read the chapter the class was discussing. And it was Katie Couric, being gentle . . .

  9. The deficits of McCandy are numerous and obvious: she's a lightweight, a ideologue and a lunatic.

    The question that I have is, how is it that Alaskans elected her in the first place? How is it that she enjoys a 70% or 80% approval?

    Are Alaskans really so easily duped?

  10. We wanted change Chris.

    And sadly the people were so desperate to get rid of Frank Murkowski that they did not do a very good job of vetting Palin before electing her. By the way I voted for the other guy.

    And her approval rating is dropping daily.

  11. Anonymous7:59 AM

    This just shows again what we have here --

    McCain is an opportunistic gambler with this former beauty queen who wants to win the big pageant -- at any cost -- unfortunately it is the American people who will pay -- bigtime -- just like we will for the past 8 years of war and thievery. Both are fundamental mistakes for President of the US. Wake UP America!

  12. Anonymous8:20 AM

    gah--is she actually saying anything? No. Just repeat the same empty phrases, smile and speak in a "folksy" manner. double gah.

  13. I bet her approval rating is dropping by the hour...she looks like she should be selling Jesus jewelery on the QVC...

    gag me....

    to think that she met with foreign leaders I am so ashamed....omg...

    What is the difference between Palin and Cheney ? ......the lipstick....

  14. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Well Bill O'riely tonite said that Couric was wrong about asking Pailin about Mccain's history...He said would Gore know Clintons history........That is all he talked about the interview making it looked like if you have not seen the video that Palin did well..........WELL most of us did see the video and it was by far the worse interview I have seen in a LLLOOOOONNNNG time. Again I know fox news is so far right but I thought that Bill O would at least give a fair opionion on the matter...He did not!


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