Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Barack Obama advertisement about the economy.

I have heard some criticism that Obama comes off too much like an intellectual or college professor. I find that argument patently ridiculous.

Who do we want to come to our aid in such dire times? Somebody who admits they don't understand the problems facing this economy, or somebody smart?

And notice that a link to Obama's economic plan is included in this advertisement. He is not using double speak to confuse the voter or try to direct attention away from his policies to launch an attack on his opponent. No he is literally saying "Come have a look at my ideas. And judge for yourself".

And I have done exactly that, and it fills me with hope. And that is not something that is easy to come by in these frightening times.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    As a child growing up in the Midwest, my very large family and extended family often gathered at Grandma's house and discussed politics. We had Democrats, Independents, Republicans and some who didn't care about anything. We never argued, we shared ideas and learned from each other always leaning toward what was truly best for OUR country. I blame the divisive nature of Ruport Murdoch and his sleazy tabloid partisan journalism for the nasty divisive politics of today. He parades his channel as "news" and it is anything but the truth. We should throw his ass out of the country.

  2. Hear, hear!

    I could not agree more.


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