Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yet another Alaskan politician we can all be proud to have representing our state. The fact that she is a Republican purely coincidental.

State Sen. Lesil McGuire created a disturbance on an Alaska Airlines flight earlier this month and, after landing in Anchorage, was escorted through the airport by police for questioning, according to an official report of the incident.

On the Sept. 4 flight from Juneau to Anchorage, McGuire continued using her BlackBerry after being asked to turn it off, the report said. She kept texting, which resulted in the pilot having to stop the plane as it was taxiing, according to the report by police at Stevens International Airport. After flight attendants refused to serve her alcohol, she threw a glass of water onto the aisle floor, said passengers interviewed by police.

She was rude, used profanity, bad-mouthed the pilots, and caused further delay by getting out of her seat, according to statements to police by witnesses.

Just like Sarah Palin, Lesil McGuire's life also reads like a soap opera.

Soon after McGuire was elected to the State Senate in 2001 (Representing my district at the time) she quickly started a romance with Representative Tom Anderson. There were lots of rumors but they did not come clean about their relationship until 2004 (This may have been because Anderson was still married, or so the rumors imply.), they secretly married in the summer of 2005, and Lesil gave birth to their son in March of 2006. ( I am not good with math but does that mean anything?)

Anyhow Tom Anderson was one of the first politicians to get caught up in the VECO corruption case and was indicted on August 31st of 2006, and convicted in July of 2007.

So as you can see the Alaskan political soap opera has a much larger cast of miscreants then Sarah Palin, Ted Stevens, and Don Young. We are simply brimming over with corrupt and unethical politicians.

Jealous yet?
Update: I just remembered how we found out about McGuire and Anderson's relationship.
State Representatives Lesil McGuire and Tom Anderson have issued a joint statement in response to reports of a 9-1-1 call. Juneau police are saying little about the incident, only that they got a domestic disturbance call and that they are still investigating. In their statement, McGuire and Anderson say it's unfortunate that a personal disagreement between them is being reported publicly.They say they are best friends and colleagues and that any misunderstanding between them has been resolved. McGuire and Anderson, both Republicans from Anchorage, serve together on the House Judiciary Committee.


  1. wow. what the hell is in your water up there?!? ;)

  2. Gryphen wrote:
    "they secretly married in the summer of 2005, and Lesil gave birth to their son in March of 2006. ( I am not good with math but does that mean anything?)"

    Generally you add three months to the birth month to get the month of conception. (Of course this is not 100% accurate as babies can come earlier or later than the estimated due date.) If you add three months to March she would have gotten pregnant in June of '05.

    Was this her first baby? I ask because first time mothers have a tendency to go past their due date by about a week.

  3. What the fuck is it with women politicians from Alaska?

    Do they ALL were their hair swept up and on top of their head, a la, McCandy?

  4. When is Alaska politics going to be a tv series? They could call it Dirty Sexy Money... oh, wait. That's already taken.

  5. "What the fuck is it with women politicians from Alaska?"

    Ted Stevens is a woman?
    Rick Smith, Bill Allen, Bill Bobrick, Pete Kott, Vic Kohring, Jim Clark, Don Young, Ben Stevens...all male.

  6. Lynne,

    Did you clear grade school?

    I said "women politicians." Never mentioned male politicians.

    The picture in Gryphen's post is of State Sen. Lesil McGuire -- not Ted Stevens.

  7. Christopher you are one of the rudest people I've encountered online. Your comment made it seem as if only women politicians were a problem in Alaska. My point was simply that the corruption is not gender based.

    By the way where you wrote:
    Do they ALL were their hair
    I'm guessing you meant "wear" their hair.

    Did you clear grade school?

  8. OK Lynne. You win the spelling Nazi prize.

    Do you feel powerful now? Have you cleared your gender?

    Jeez, what a fucktard.

  9. No, no, no.

    We do not fight amongst ourselves.

    You are both great people and I value your opinions.

    Yes Lynne Chris can be a bit abrasive at times, but he has great instincts and a fearless way of just calling things the way he sees them.

    He and I don't agree on everything, but I then I don't agree with ANYBODY on everything.

    And Chris I like having you visit but remember to save your most barbed comments for the Republican trolls that like to come and act like assholes. Those guys you can rip shit on to your hearts content.

  10. Anonymous11:35 PM

    "fucktard" Nice talk, Chrissy boy needs to meet Eddie Burke. Eddie and Chrissy could talk for hours with their grunts. Two peas in a pod. You give him way too much credit


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.