Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh yeah I almost forgot.

This is day two of:
The Immoral Minority's demand for the release of Sarah Palin's Medical Records!!

Come on Governor, the world is watching.


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I believe it is standard for Americans to see the medical records of presidential and vice presidential nominees....I heard Biden is releasing his soon.
    Hopefully Sarah's doctors understand that if they alter records, they could loose their license. I am sure she is huddling with them now, maybe promising a cabinet post for them if they continue the charade.

  2. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Yeah, how many more people will Ms. Moosemeat promote in order to shut them the hell up?

  3. I'm not opposed to Governor Palin releasing her medical records, just as soon as Obama releases for scrutiny an ORIGINAL, CERTIFIED, copy of his birth certificate that can be accurately verified with the State of Hawaii.

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Oh lookit, Gryphen, you got a flag humper troll Obama-basher visiting! What a surprise! And how original the request!

  5. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Oh yea, if Sarah did not give birth to Trig and is claiming Trig as a dependent on her Alaska state health insurance policy...well that is insurance fraud and grounds to impeach any governor. Lets see those records Sarah. This could put some doctors out of business and behind bars and a governor out on the street.

  6. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Stay on it, Gryphen!! We're behind you!!

    The truth shall prevail, it always does!!

  7. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Yo Galactic dreamer, go to and get your facts straight. Obama's birth certificate is certifiable. Now where are Sarah's medical fraud means jail time.

  8. Anon at 2:59 - Galactic Dreamer will NEVER do that.

    Facts are an unnecessary nuisance to him.

    Like all unpatriotic, veteran-bashing neocons.

  9. No where on does it say WHO certified Obama's birth certificate. That's all I'm asking for. All that he has released, is a copy of his birth certificate. No one has seen the seal, which is apparently on the back side.

    Unfortunately for far too many people in this country, you are correct that facts are unnecessary. As for myself, I deman nothing less than fact. And when someone tries to pass something off as fact, I will trust, but verify.

    I only wish that more Americans like yourself and I demanded NOTHING less than fact. This country might be better off if we did!

    My next question, is just where did you get the impression I'm a veteran-bashing neocon? I'll have you know, I'm a disabled United States Air Force veteran.

  10. @ galactic dreamer: Something tells me it's a mental disability. Gryphen, while jumping to conclusions, at least has a reason, if not evidence, to suspect that something might be up with the Trig situation.

    Meanwhile, you think Obama wasn't born in Hawaii why, because your xenophobic conspiracy theorist buddies think he's a terrorist? I am incapable of imagining the utter level of stupidity required to harbor such a belief when it is so at odds with the most obvious level of reality.

  11. Obama's father and his mother met while attending college in Hawaii together. They married and made little Barack, or they made little Barack and then got married, either way works for me.

    But there is absolutely no reason to suspect that Obama's mother sneaked off of the island to have him in a foreign country. Unless the point of the questioning whether Barack was born before Hawaii achieved statehood, which means that Obama has been lying about his age ALL OF HIS LIFE.

    And as for the Trig Palin story, I have tons of evidence. And if you just search this site and some of my links you will be completely convinced as well.

  12. GD,

    You are a liar - the facts are only facts to you when they suit your already developed worldview. You are told who to hate and why you should hate them and you say "good enough for me, I already hate them - thank you for reinforcing my beliefs, Fox News/Rush Limbaugh." When they DON'T suit your worldview, a liberal somewhere in America is lying. Lying, lying liberals. And don't tell me the left is the same - the reason us bleeding hearts seem so Woody Allenish conflicted to you neocons is that we realize the word is complex and we generally subject ourselves to the whole truth.

    Obama is an American citizen. Sorry that burns you so much. McCain is an American citizen. That doesn't burn me in the least. McCain's stance on the issues is what matters to me. You cannot find a real issue issue to argue about - so you find these PUMA non-issues. Gryphen left out some small fact from an article that explained how Obama has outraised McCain and Ron Paul in fundraising, and you ignore the greatest fact of all - that a Democrat got more money from more servicepeople (a notoriously conservative group) than either of the conservatives - and you focused on some small error.

    Trees, I'd like to introduce you to forest, but what the hell does it matter, right? The thrust of the story conflicted with your worldview so it doesn't matter. You had to correct whatever tiny detail you could so your head wouldn't explode.

    Recently a conservative blogger complained that he didn't have enough to say about Barack Obama because Obama was too clean - "I like my politicians a little dirty," he said. Barack is not dirty enough for you so you are arguing about birth records? You are fucking kidding me, right?

    You implied on comments ON THIS VERY BLOG that anyone in the military who voted for Obama was guilty of treason.

    My husband didn't almost die for his job, this country or your freedom for a coward like you to imply he is a traitor.

    There is not a serviceperson I had EVER known in all my years as a military spouse that would have called a person a traitor - especially someone else who also served - because of who they voted for.

    You lie when it is politically convenient for you to do so and therefore you are a liar.

    You can't focus on the real issues and therefore you are a coward.

  13. Anonymous9:59 PM

    I hear that she's on medication for bipolar disorder. Let's see those records!

  14. Actually McCain was born in the Panama Canal zone. So there is a legal argument that he isn't "naturalized" per the Constitutional requirement. Of course, Galactic Dreamer doesn't give a damn about that. I mean, McCain's old and white, he's one of us - no need to question his qualifications.

  15. Anonymous4:09 AM

    There are an awful lot of valid questions out there regarding Trigs birth parents. It's simple to address them and they are not being addressed by the Palins. I wouldn't want a person who faked a pregnancy, claimed she "made a choice" to have a special needs child, and used her own daughter for her political advancement to have any governmental position where she would be making decisions for me. Something is just not right here.
    And now on top of that she is using her son for her political purposes. Parading him around as such a patriot because "he voluntarily joined the military to serve his country". He had no choice, he was going to jail for vandalism and he was mainlining oxycontin among other a tiny town in Alaska. Plus a "pregnant" daughter? It appears to me that the Palins family needs them more than this country does. Sarah, just produce the docs on Trig because we aren't going away....

  16. good luck with this Andrew Sullivan asked also over 10 days ago- he too is still waiting...


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