Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tony Knowles and Ketchikan mayor set record straight on Sarah Palin.

Speaking to a teleconference audience of reporters around the nation, former Gov. Tony Knowles and current Ketchikan Mayor Bob Weinstein -- both Democrats -- accused Palin of misleading the public in her new role as the vice presidential running mate of Arizona Sen. John McCain.

While some of their complaints have already been aired, Knowles broke new ground while answering a reporter's question on whether Wasilla forced rape victims to pay for their own forensic tests when Palin was mayor.
True, Knowles said.

Eight years ago, complaints about charging rape victims for medical exams in Wasilla prompted the Alaska Legislature to pass a bill -- signed into law by Knowles -- that banned the practice statewide.

"There was one town in Alaska that was charging victims for this, and that was Wasilla," Knowles said.

How is that for standing up for women's issues? Does that fill those Hillary supporters with confidence in this candidate?

And as for that "bridge to nowhere" line that Palin keeps using on the stump with John McCain?

Well perhaps Charlie Gibson can ask her about the other "bridge to nowhere" that is still being built to benefit the people of Wasilla.

....she still supports spending $400 million to $600 million on "the other Bridge to Nowhere," the Knik Arm Crossing, which would provide residents in Palin's hometown of Wasilla faster access to Anchorage, Knowles added.

"That project is moving right ahead," said Knowles, who served as governor of Alaska from 1994 to 2002. "The money for that project was not diverted anywhere else. ... So (for her) to say she said, 'Thanks, but no thanks....' I would say she said, 'Thanks!'"


  1. She's such a fucking liar, isn't she?


  2. Anonymous4:59 PM

    In fiscal year 2008, there were 16,025 earmarks totaling 25,869,406,000
    The Mccain/Palin tick has PROMISED TO END ALL EARMARKS if elected. So as far as Mr. washed out bitter I lost the election Governor Knowles AKA Mr. (never turned down an earmark). What has happened about earmarks is in the past when McCain/Palin take office IT WILL END…..You will not get this kind of commitment from the democratic ticket.


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