Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sarah Palin continues to use little Trig to lure voter support.

Some have asked if it was appropriate for bloggers to ask potentially embarrassing questions concerning the truth behind the birth of Trig Palin.

It is true that most candidates children are treated with deference and are shielded from the critical eye of the media.

But most candidates have not so blatantly used their children to define them to the world the way Sarah Palin has done in these last few days.

Sarah Palin's biography is centered around her children and her life in the wilds of Alaska. But what we have learned is that her parenting skills may leave much to be desired, which is given added importance when you realize that Palin has strong opinions against sex education which does not focus solely on abstinence, and who wants Creationism taught in science class alongside the true science of evolution.

These are choices that do not put the minds of most voters at ease.

But by selling herself as the "American everywomen" Palin can hide her less then savory side and perhaps fool the voters into accepting her shallow image without giving her a more critical look. She is window dressing and that is all the Republicans want us to see.

But there are piles of evidence to illustrate that Palin is a liar, a woman who punishes those who dare to challenge her , and a woman who would push her fragile teenage daughter into the glare of the spotlight to keep from revealing a secret which may derail her political rocket ship ride to the national stage.

If the women of America get to see the REAL Sarah Palin she will not get ONE female vote in the November election. Nor should she.

And that is why continuing to dig up secrets about Sarah Palin and presenting them for the world to scrutinize may be the most important undertaking a liberal blogger could hope to undertake during this election cycle.


  1. Anonymous5:05 PM

    holy crap that's some fucked up shit.

    She's the new Britney Spears!

  2. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I thought celebrities were to be looked down upon in this campaign? Isn't that what McLAME said?

  3. Anonymous7:59 AM

    If she really were interested in her family's welfare, she wouldn't even mention them. She's not mentioning the issues because she's ignorant of them. That's the reason she's spouting off about her "kids." I personally believe that the newer baby isn't hers, but her daughter's.

    She has no right to tell me or any other woman how to live or what choices to make. She hasn't lived our lives, and she is so inexperienced that it is shameful.

  4. Anonymous1:09 PM

    You are missing the real point in the Trig case. Although I DO believe Trig is hers (Down Syndrome is common among babies born to women over 35.), I deplore the way she has "mothered" him. She endangered his life in the hours leading up to his birth in order to enhance her political career. And she returned to work only 3 days after he was born. If she shows this much poor judgement where her special needs child is concerned, how can we trust her to hold ANY office. I wouldn't vote for her for dog catcher!

    p.s.--As Gov. of Alaska, she line-item vetoed the bulk of the budget for special education in her state, cutting those poor children's budget by 67%. And she has the gall to say she will be a voice for the parents of special needs children if she is elected!

  5. p.s. am linking this post to my blog

    thanks for blogging this...

  6. Is anyone else bothered by the photo on People cover? To me this looks like a baby being offered up for sacrifice -- the way she seems to be handing him over to the camera rather than holding him close. Of course, that is exactly what she is doing with the poor baby and his siblings, especially Bristol.

  7. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I'm extremely bothered by her posing with her kid AT ALL considering she was whining about the media attention on her family. That's why she fits in so well with the party of hypocrisy and whining.

    Yes she sacrificed her kids' privacy for her ambition. What a monster.


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