Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sarah Palin may be the greatest Barack Obama fundraiser of all time!

The political impact of Sarah Palin continues to be hazy -- she's clearly revved up the Republican base, and helped McCain's campaign bring in more than $10 million since she was announced as his running mate.

But the Palin pick seems to be having a virtually identical effect on the Democratic base. Activists have frenetically picked apart Palin's record over the last week, and an Obama aide told the Huffington Post that the campaign has raised $8 million since her speech last night "from over 130,000 donors - on pace to hit $10 million by the time John McCain hits the stage tonight."

"Sarah Palin's attacks have rallied our supporters in ways we never expected," the aide said. "And we fully expect John McCain's attacks tonight to help us make our grassroots organization even stronger."

Well this is embarrassing, now I have to send a thank you note to the McCain campaign.

Anybody know the address?


  1. Anonymous8:39 PM

    We really need to do all we can to support Obama. If you normally eat out at lunch or dinner would you be willing to pack a lunch or eat at home for a week or two and give the difference to Obama's campaign? We could call it "Brown baggin' for Obama" Any takers???

  2. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Levi should really quit kissing the baby in public if they want the rumors to stop.

  3. Anonymous1:05 AM

    You filthy coons, no wonder you have 1400 abortions per day.. Go eat a dead fetus
    You pigs like anal sex, ask Obama how his lover larry is these day.... Go brown bag it for anal boy... watch for the bradely effect .. white america isnt voting that purple lipped liberal loon...
    sincerely, a hillary supporter *wink

  4. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Talk about immoral, lets talk about Obama's whore mother, at the age of 16 she screwed a married coon squat and spit out Obama, or was it Barry Durhman, or Barry Soreto or Barry Obama err Barak HUSSIEN Obama, he cant make up his mind what his name is! If thats not bad hes a bastid, his street whore dumps him at his grandparents! Rumors? No need for rumors for this bozo his reality is bad enough.. then he married a pig that is the look alike to James Brown! Better watch out , the way Obama had his 9 year old daughter dressed up as a common ghetto whore, she will be having her first abortion soon!!

  5. Anonymous1:25 AM

    (CNN) Sept 1- It's been reported that Maila Obama, Barak's 9 year old daughter, was seen coming out of Chicago's southside family "values" abortion clinic today, wearing a wild eyed look with toilet paper haning from her 8 inch stud high heels" * wink wink rumors, rumors...

  6. Anonymous1:31 AM

    (foxnews) sept 5 - it's been reported to Sean Hannity that while Hillary is in Florida allegedly campaigning for Obama she has a pocketful of Mccain/Palin 08 bumper stickers and buttons she will be passing out to her "hillary fans".. she revealed in private to Hannity her and Bill we be voting Mccain/Palin... the winning ticket...

  7. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Governor Sarah Palin, city council, mayor, governor+ experience = executive and governing... ( like most presidents have) Obama- shuck and jive Chicago corrupt politics, glorified boyscout leader+ NO resume.. NUFF SAID.. JUMP! HOLLER! DAY (9) OF COON MELTDOWN

  8. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Boy, can't ya spare me a dime..*wink wink BAG IT!!,,,,,,, well you get my drift.... lol!

  9. ot: Neat blog alert:

    side note to "anon" blogger above with the nauseating rants: please get back on your meds.

  10. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Rude awakening to "moron" get off the crack, stop using abortions like conceptives and get a job errr ahhhh the Obama cult the proud americans..

  11. Anonymous1:29 PM

    WOW! Great name, Atheist Monkey, damn! Nothing like discribing Obama followers... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Wow anon sure is working hard trying to distract folks from the truth. How pathetic. Just shut the hell up, racist. We all just laugh at you.

  13. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Truth? What truth? You want to talk truth do you? lets. Lets talk about a shuck and jive nigger, that hasnt amounted to a piss whole in a snow banking.. Lets talk about Obama's experience.. Community Organizer, a glorified boy scout leader. who hung fliers and got government grants to subsides his buddy Rezko illegal dealings.. ( convicted criminal Rezko) Or how about his buddy, William Ayers, that bombed the Pentagon and NYC police department and in Sept 11, 2001, bragged to the NY times on how he "wished" the set more bombs. Truth? Truth is Clinton and Bush were both Governors.. before being Presidents.. Name me one President that was a community organizer and was in the senate 143 days before announcing his presidency.. name one..

    Obama looks like a total assisine moron when he even tries to compare his lack of experience up against Palins.. Obama doesnt even want to talk about infit parents.. when his mother was a whore and so unfit , dumped his ass at his grandparents while she was busy out whoring herself.. lets talk about unfit parents that dress their 9 year old up like a common street whore and pimps her on national tv.
    What a pathetic piece of shit, spents 400 million dollars on a shuck and jive speech.. and his "bounce" lasts 12 hours.. and his shuck and jive speech watched less than Mccains speech.. laugh? Yes, we are certainly laughing at that wannabe LOSER.. but then you liberals are known for your losers..

  14. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Let's talk about the other shuck and jive nigger, Oprah.. the fat out of control dumb nigger, that made it rich off dumb welfare niggers, the stupid fat bitch has lost 300, 000 viewers and she is about to lose more.. who the hell ever said Palin would go on her nigger show to begin with?? Oprah is a fat fucking out of control nigger that cant keep a man, she is a dyke bitch.. why would Palin lower herself to a fucking nigger?
    the nigger is going to be boycotted! shes a scum bag nigger.. when are you pigs gonna realize you niggers are dumb as dried goats cum? whats laughable is most whites wont tell the pollsters they wont vote the dumb nigger, you will have to wait for Nov.. lol

  15. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Democrats are not caring for their Stars and Stripes. At least that’s the message out of John McCain’s campaign.

    McCain supporters, claiming they rescued 12,000 miniature American flags from the site of Barack Obama’s nomination acceptance speech last Thursday, redistributed the orphan flags to audience members ahead of a McCain rally in Colorado Springs on Saturday.

    Obama could have atleast given one to his buddy williamm ayers so he could stomp on!! anti america ASSHOLES!

  16. Okay I must respond to he 2:42 Anonymous. (Don't you morons have names?)

    If what you posted is the level of discourse that I can expect from the Republican side of this issue, then I can relax and start blogging with one hand tied behind my back.

    You may notice that we don't usually resort to name calling or threats, because..well it just makes you look stupid.

    But you have a nice Sunday.

  17. LOL @ anonymous retarded racist moran!!

    Gryphen: You could use this KKKracker's comments as a post showing examples of what McLame/Pailin's supporters are like.

  18. RESCUED MINIATURE FLAGS?!? That's the best they can do??

    LOL!!! OMG!! Can't. stop. laughing...

    It's stupid on so many levels but especially because candidates don't set up their own stage production. LOL!!!!

  19. Anonymous12:51 AM

    I wouldn't expect a loonie liberal that sees nothing wrong with your candidate that associates with domestic terrorist such as williams, or convicted criminal rezko to comprehend the people supporting Obama have the same views as Obama hence: throwing out 12 thousand new american flags.. sorry dumbo thats a direct reflection on your anti american candidate.. "he who laughs last, laughs best..."
    National USA Today/Gallup McCain 54, Obama 44 McCain +10

  20. Anonymous12:55 AM

    domestic terrorist william ayers, that is **

  21. Anonymous1:00 AM

    George Stephanopoulos of ABC’s This Week and Barack H. Obama were talking this morning about the bloggers who are hitting Sarah Palin hard, and others who are hitting Obama hard, about his ties to the islamic world, and then Obama, giving credit to his presidential opponent said “John McCain has not talked about my muslim faith.” Whoops! “You know what I mean . . . . .,” it was a magic moment for sure, destined for the YouTube Hall of Fame, and perhaps some campaign commercials?

    Imagine that... finally, the loser a admits he's a muslim.. surprise, surprise... NOT! As if we didnt know.. can the imbecile dig his hole any deeper?

  22. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Heres some more interesting facts on the two bitter racist bimbos:

    ARDC Individual Attorney Record of Public Registration and Public Disciplinary and Disability Information as of September 4, 2008 at 12:07:48 PM:

    Full Licensed Name: Michelle Obama
    Full Former name(s): Michelle Lavaughn Robinson
    Date of Admission as Lawyer
    by Illinois Supreme Court: May 12, 1989
    Registered Business Address: Not available online

    Registered Business Phone: Not available online
    Illinois Registration Status: Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law - Last Registered Year: 1993

    and heres barack obama:

    ARDC Lawyer Search Results from the ARDC database last updated as of September 4, 2008 at 12:07:48 PM: for the following terms: Last Name: Obama, First Name: Barack, status: All, City: chicago, State: IL, Country: usa

    Your search terms do not match the record of any lawyer licensed in Illinois

    Neither one of these losers are lawyers.. explain that one Mr Obama.. explain how you both sucked white man's welfare, affirmative action, and neither one of you are lawyers.. and not one person out of 400 remembers you at Columbus.. like your forged birth certificate.. Im sure your in the habit of forgery!!


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