Thursday, September 04, 2008

ABC News does devastating report on Sarah Palin's "Troopergate" problem.

I don't think I have ever seen such an unrelenting barrage of negative stories revealed about a Vice Presidential candidate, or ANY political candidate , in my entire life.

And it has not even been a full week since we learned that Sarah Palin would be on the Republican ticket. Just imagine how much more there will be by November!


  1. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Hey there,

    I just wanted to say thanks so much for your blog — I read it pretty regularly and I'm going to take some of the things you've said to voters as I canvass the entire West Coast.

    I'm writing about my time on my blog,

    Thanks so much for your work,


  2. And thank you very much for visiting.

    Feel free to borrow anything that may help you.

  3. I've featured you and Mudflats at the top of my sidebar at

    thanks for writing!

  4. Give me a break! This whole Troopergate thing is nothing but a witch hunt--she did nothing wrong, the person at fault is Monegan for not firing this maniac state trooper Mike Wooten.

    And the person in charge of the investigation, Hollis French, has been exposed as a partisan Democrat Obama supporter who has leaked information damaging to Governor Palin. has the details that you won't get from the liberal media, Flopping Aces has a good post on this too.

  5. Gypsy man,

    I'm not saying that the trooper is a saint (in fact, from what I have read so far, he seems like a cowboy doofus), but I am waiting for all the facts to come out and not the self serving cant of Sarah Palin.

    It is dangerous to allow a chief executive of a state to use his/her power to settle a personal vendetta. She acted more like a mafia kingpin here and not a disinterested party in a state personnel matter that has been settled, though not to her liking.

    On the man heading up the investigation, he is doing so as part of a BIPARTISAN committee looking into it. And Palin is not well liked by her GOP colleagues in Alaska because she is so high handed.

    I would also suggest that you Republicans need to clean both your party and state up. Ignoring the massive corruption by the GOP in your state does you no good. Same to Democrats about corrupt Democrats. Don't defend her just because she is a Republican. Defend her because the facts are actually on her side. Unfortunately, the facts do not jibe with her claims.

    Stop playing victim here, too. You are no better than Jesse Jackson when he defended those kids who rioted during that high school football game in Illinois in 1999.

    Have some sense of proportion.


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