Friday, October 31, 2008

Alaska progressive blogger's favorite host, Rachel Maddow, got to talk to Alaska progressive blogger's favorite Presidential candidate, Barack Obama.

Part deux.

Actually I cannot speak for EVERY Alaska progressive blogger, but I would bet some big money that all of us were riveted by this interview.

Obama is so smooth and confident and intelligent, that it makes it almost impossible for me to listen to Bush, or McCain, or Caribou Barbie speak. It is the difference between drinking a honey laced green tea or drinking rubbing alcohol.



  1. Imagine, having to listen to these inspirational speeches for at least four more years. Just think, hard working tax payers will actually have to listen to good articulation and a warm hearted president for a long time. Those obsessed with single issue politics would actually have to open their mind.

  2. I predict small neo-con brains exploding all over the country.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Look I don't watch Hannity and Combs but from time to time I sneak and watch to see what the hateful racist Sean is up to.
    You have to post this one...
    Last night Sean Hannity had TITO the Builder on..You can find it on youtube. Are you kidding me? Tito is wearing dark sun glasses, I can not understand one word that man is saying.
    Is this a joke?
    The republican party is a joke.
    You find youself listening to all this and feeling very numb....


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.