Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cajun boy says that there is an explosive story about Sarah Palin and "babygate" being sat on by my very own morning newspaper.

So according to Cajun boy, who has a mole within the Anchorage Daily News, there is a HUG story about Sarah Palin and the birth of Trig Palin.

The paper is very hesitant to run the story for fear of backlash.

But if you are like me, you desperately want to see this story released.

So take a moment to write to the Anchorage Daily News and let them know that they owe us this story. Remember if the ADN had done their jobs the first place we may very well have NEVER seen a McCain/Palin ticket in 2008.

Update: Apparently this has resulted in another dead end.


  1. Sent in my request - will make a post on my blog about it too.

    And will help to spread to the news - hopefully if they get flooded with enough requests from around the US they will publish the story.

  2. I followed the link and it took me to the page for sending a letter to the editor for publication. Upon searching I found the page for contacting departments with suggestions which may be a better place. Here is the url:

  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I for one am glad there is a McCain/Palin ticket. He couldn't have picked a better running mate... for our side!



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