Thursday, October 30, 2008

John McCain realizes that his mascot "Joe the Plumber" has gone "rogue" again and has one of the most embarrassing moments in television history.


According to MSNBC this crowd consisted of about 6000 attendees, 4000 of whom were bussed in from schools in the area.

What kind of education system would force their students to serve as props in support of a Republican Presidential candidate? Do all of the parents of these children support McCain? Somehow I doubt it. I wonder if they will have anything to say about how their children were used?

And have you noticed how reliant John McCain has become on two of his props? He simply will not stand before the American people without his "Alaskan beauty queen" or "Joe the Buttcrack" sharing the stage with him.

What is wrong John? Are you afraid that nobody will show up just to see your sorry ass? Well I guess if they have to bus in two thirds of their audience then we already know the answer to that question.


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Seems to be a bit of that 'rogue' business going around. Nasty bug that is.

    Joe finally followed McCain and Palin's lead.

    Joe's to do list:

    Publicist...check. Next up, change middle name to maverick. After that, flip on most rooted beliefs and people who have trusted you.

    Joe is the perfect face of the new GOP. Joe is all about Joe.

  2. Swearing too much does take your credibility away...just a caution.

    I like the subjects of your posts, though. What an embarrassing moment for McCain in that clip. He looks so plastic and unorganized.

    I like to focus on the people behind McCain a lot of the time. They look so somber, serious and arrogant compared to the humble Obama people.

    There is a lot of arrogance, and mean spirit on the right. Watch out.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.