Friday, October 10, 2008

Hurry up and wait time.

So here I sit.

I finally get home after work.

I find that the electricity had gone out while I was gone. Now all of the clocks need to be reset and my computer needs to be restarted.

Then I find that my five year old monitor has decided to give up the ghost.

I frantically run to Best Buy, purchase and install a new one, fire up the internet, and..........nothing.

No news, no rumors, no nothing.

I could post the ridiculous report that the McCain campaign released to inform all of us that there was nothing to see here and that we could all just move along. But if you read the Todd Palin deposition, then you already know what the report said.

So all we can do is wait. And wait we shall.


  1. okay the photo is a riot...
    so sorry you had to wait- BUT look you got results....

    us down under are SOOOooooo proud of you all !!!!

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    MSNBC is covering the story right now. WOW! Thanks for the PDF link.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.