Friday, October 10, 2008

The Legislature just voted 12 to 0 to release the Branchflower Report!

The Legislative Council just voted 12-0 to release the report, except for certain parts they consider confidential.


This is fucking awesome!

Update: Okay here is the link to the report.

Finding Number two:

I find, that although Walt Monegan's refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin's firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.

She tried to get Walt Monegan to break the law! And then she lied about it! She is toast!

This is a great day for Alaskans, and this is a great day for our country!

Update 2: I just watched the Rachel Maddow show and she had Walt Monegan on the phone.

Monegan said, despite the findings of this report, that he still believes the reason he was fired was because he would not go after Trooper Wooten. And I agree.

And what everybody keeps forgetting to mention is that Sarah Palin was essentially asking Monegan to break the law. He could NOT legally fire Wooten! If he had tried he would have had to face the wrath of the Alaska Trooper union which would have challenged him in court, and probably had his job. And if they had made the connection that Palin was pushing the Commissioner to go after Trooper Wooten, she would have found herself facing off with that union as well, and her chances of getting re-elected would have been very badly damaged.

So the truly sad thing here is that Walt Monegan tried desperately to protect Sarah Palin from her emotional vendetta. He told her, and Todd, time and time again not to pursue this personal attack anymore and they simply would not take the advice.

So if Sarah Palin finds her political aspirations damaged by this report, and I certainly believe that she will, then she has absolutely nobody to blame except herself. And possibly that weenie husband of hers.


  1. Woooooooo HOoooooooo !!!!!Yahooooo....

    fucking amazing...and yes, awesome...



    AND today McLame was forced to tell his racist, moron KKKLan audience that OBama's a decent man. He's trying to put the genie they let out with their hate-mongering back in the bottle.

    I'm simply stunned at how out of touch McLame's campaign has been run, it's crazy, just like him.

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Hey G!
    You've done a real public service blogging on this and keeping up the pressure. Thank you!
    PS We still need to see the medical records, eh?

  4. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Congrats to you and all of Alaska. The people win. She's been portrayed as the one who took on her own party, and now she's become one of that party.

    Thank you for your blogging and, um, putting up with where are her medical records?

  5. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Thanks Gryphen for your blog. I hit your blog before mudflats and huffington. Good news today and will love it when Palin comes limping back to the state.


  6. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Woohoo! Alaskans for Truth slams the huge McCain slime machine, and the Dobson un-christian coalition.

    The Palin's caught in their web of lies.

    You guys are amazing!

  7. The fact that she broke the public trust and it's proven is definitely awesome and worthy of celebrating.

    But there is still a lot of unanwered questions about her. And the spin of course is "she had good reason for not being ethical" - so still work to do to be sure the truth it out so no amount of spin can distort it.

    You guys are my hereos for keeping the heat turned up.

    I hope all the truth about her comes out soon.

  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I commend you for your efforts. What people keep forgetting here was that Wooten was investigated and suspended before Sarah became the governor, the CASE WAS CLOSED AND COULD NOT BE REOPENED. Once Palin became governor, Todd took it upon himself to make it his mission to settle this personal vendetta. And that is where the line was crossed...obviously they have no idea how to seperate their personal and professional lives.

    Alaskans for Truth must continue to put the the pressure on to look into censure or impeachment. I hope Palin goes back to Alaska on November 5th to the same kind of angry mob she has been stirring up in her McCain rallies.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.